Christmas Tree Stand Inspiration

Every year I like to switch things up and find a unique item to put my tree in for Christmas.  I usually then try to make a theme around that.  The same tree each year but with a different base and theme.
Here are some interesting ways you can change up the base of your tree

Love the little picket fence around this tree and the tree in the old vintage box.  

How about putting your smaller tree up on a pedestal table for height.

Farmhouse 5540
Using a galvanized tub for a base.

Wooden Box Base

Simple statement made with using a weaved basket.

Using the drum for a base gives this tree whimsy and lots of color.

Ahhhhh love this one.  Just too chippy and fun.

Vintage Sled for your tree stand.

Tattertots & Jello
Love this stenciled north pole tree box from Tatertots & Jello.  Love her family pictures for ornaments too.

How about making your tree into a snowman.  Love his black ice skates for feet.

Savvy Southern Style's
Olive bucket for a tree base.

Pretty garden planter base.

How about a Garden Gnome Tree!!

One of my favorite trees. Simple and so pretty.

Junk Chic Cottage
Now for some of my past tree bases.  I used my garden wagon for this tree.

Junk Chic Cottage
Last year I used red and white check for my tree.  

A few years ago I had my tree in an old galvanized bucket that I painted white.

Here is a sneak peak at this years tree base.  I had an old coffee table out in the garden.  It was out there for about 3 summers and was falling apart.  I loved the base on this table so I decided to re purpose the base for this year's Christmas tree.

I want to say Happy Birthday to my oldest daughter Jen.  Today is her birthday.  She turned 32 this year!!! What?? When did that happen??? My two daughters are awesome.  So proud of both of them.  Happy Birthday sweet Jen.


  1. Love all the fabulous inspiration for the bases and your daughter is stunning. Happy Birthday to Jen.

  2. Kris, your trees alone are fantastically different each year - so creative. I love all the alternative ideas, too. And your daughter, Jen - what a perfect melding of yours & Terry's features. Happy Birthday, Jen, you beautiful lady!

  3. beautiful choices! and happy birthday to your daughter! xo

  4. Don't tell anyone in the family I am on my computer this morning...shhhh.
    Anyway-those trees are all great. Your own trees are as pretty as any you do know that, right? I love your "base" this year. Very clever and Terry is so good at altering things for you so you can use them like you do. Can't wait to see your whole tree.

    Your Jen is beautiful!!! She looks just like her Mama! Happy Birthday, Pretty Girl! Hope you all have fun celebrating this weekend! xo Diana

  5. Happy Birthday to your gorgeous daughter, Kris! Daughters are wonderful, aren't they?

    I love all your ideas for tree bases. I can't believe how many different looks you've had in your own home! I can't wait to see your newest look!

  6. Happy Birthday to Jen! She is so pretty. I think she has your husbands eyes.
    So many neat tree base ideas. I like them all, Kris.

  7. Ahhhh I am SO EXCITED to decorate my new house for Christmas this year!!!! I was trying to hold off on a Christmas post but I'm too excited....I think there are going to be an awful lot of Christmas posts coming from my little blog in the days to come! Love all these cool ideas....and your new tree base, what a fab idea!

    Happy Birthday Jen! Gorgeous young woman!!

  8. Such a fun post : )......and Your daughter is gorgeous.

  9. What wonderful inspiration! I bought something new this year for my Christmas tree base and I can wait until the day after Thanksgiving to use it! Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  10. Hi Kris,
    I love your tree stand for this year. My Hubby always had such a time getting our real trees to stand in those plastic stands and so we have resorted to an artificial this year. I wonder if my hubby could create something white and vintage like yours. I haven't started decorating yet. Your daughter is so very lovely. Happy Birthday to Sweet Jen! My eldest son is 30 and time certainly does fly. Have a Wonderful Week! Karen

  11. Someone looks a lot like Mama, but I also see Terry in her.

    I love all of your inspiration.

    We will be away for Christmas this year (going back to our tradition of a family vacation), but I am decorating for Lulu and her sitter. I want to try my tree in my red and white checked galvanized bucket.

    Now I am headed to Los Angeles (ugh!) to meet my sister and cousin for our annual day at the cutest little shop. It will be fully decked out for Christmas and I have waited to buy anything until I see what Barbara Cheatley has for me.

  12. Kris, I was in love with the tree in the wooden box that had nests, birds, and lots of red. Also that small tree that looked perfect for a kitchen. Yours with the angels. I love that you change out the bases and use what you have .That table base was too sweet to discard. Happy birthday to Jen, she is so pretty. The years slip by...and if I dwelled on that a would be crying all the time. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,Susie

  13. Kris, I love all the ideas for the tree base. But I gotta tell you that the ones you have done in the past are so pretty. Also, how clever to take the base of a table and make a tree stand..that tops it all!


  14. Kris - Your trees are definitely the best. So creative. Love the one with the red touches. You are so talented. Anxious to see what you do this year.


  15. Wonderful inpiration thank you Kris!
    My faves are Farmhouse 5540 and the other galvanised tub on pram wheels - so clever as it can be moved about!
    We will have a smaller tree this year (always a real one as I love the special fragrance) as we are joining our son and his partner in Melbourne, Australia for Christmas.
    Many happy returns to your gorgeous daughter Jen - oh to be 32 again, ha ha.
    Shane x

  16. Great inspiration Kris and Happy Bday to your daughter!

  17. It sounds cliche, but I truly can't pick a favorite. They're all beautiful and so creative!

    Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter Kris, and I agree, where does the time go???

  18. I have always wanted to have an unadorned tree in my home, just plopped in a bucket. Of course, my kids will not have it! They want all the ornaments out in full view. Ah well, maybe someday!

    Your daughter is gorgeous. I hope she has a happy birthday! :)

  19. Oh Kris, my son just turned the same age as your daughter :)
    And your daughter has the most gorgeous eyes! Truly breathtaking, what a beautiful daughter who looks like you. :)
    Happy Birthday to your Birthday girl!

    As for the inspiration at to tree stands you my girl are genius, I need a stand and so wish I had one like yours from a table.
    I think you need to get together with a marking company who can mass market stands that look like table bases, even with the pin screws in them to tighten the tree into place. If you had a spare one I would be buying that one from you in a minute because I am looking for a stand to go on a tree that has no stand.... Think of the millions you and Terri would make marketing shabby cottage tree stands, say goodbye to the been there done those stands.

    I love your white Christmas display bottom photo next to your bank of doors, so, all is calm!
    That first photo reminds me of my tree in its Nordic vibe :)
    Always love what you inspire .... So get to work in marketing those stands, team up with a company who can make them from all new to look old.

    Kris, I just got an email from you with the bird photo, it was sent to my daughters email, I must have written you through her email not knowing it... My email is on my side bar of my blog.
    Thank you dear, the bird fits right in at home with you and your white beauty. Xoxo

    See you soon beautiful.


  20. Love all the tree bases. The trees look beautiful. Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  21. Kris,
    Wow is Jen a cutie pie with beautiful eyes! Happy Birthday Jen. Pretty just like her Mom. All your photos are inspirational and I love your table base stand for this years tree. I too have used a vintage red wagon for many years. It worked perfectly in our home because if we were eating at the table we would wheel it in the Dining room and if we were in the Living Room, yup pulled it in that room too. Kris from the peeks your theme is year is heavenly divine sprinkled with love and inspiration and your tree base is simply brilliant.
    John and I have a tradition for the past 36 years on our anniversary which is Dec. 15th we purchase our live tree. This year I have a new way of display and will share it on my last post of 2015. Always a fun visit here to Junk Chic and visiting with you.

  22. Love all the ideas Kris, and I'm afraid I already have pinned some of them. The snowman and the toy stands are my favorite, but that is because we have fallen into Grandkid land. I have always had some toys in my house somewhere...and somehow they seem more important. May have to snag the galvanized tub for the yard for something this year. Grins and onward, Thanksgiving first. Sandi

  23. love all the inspiration photos. Can't wait to see the finished product for this years. I didn't do a tree last year as hubby had several surgies/hospital stays in December. We have an artificial tree that we have used a large ceramic urn as a base in the past. Alas, the ceramic urn didn't survive the whole house pack up when we had our flooring disaster issues...I will need to think of something else to elevate it...are dogs can't be trusted not to eat the ornaments off the low hanging branches. LOL. once again you have inspired me to try something new.

  24. Loved all these ideas, Kris. I am never very creative about what I put my trees in. Your idea for this year is so pretty and unique. A very happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!!

  25. These are fabulous ideas for bases, Kris! Makes me want to get more than one live tree this year. :)
    Your Xmas trees from past years are so clever, and I am amazed at what you're using for this year - coffee table base! Brilliant!

  26. These are fabulous ideas for bases, Kris! Makes me want to get more than one live tree this year. :)
    Your Xmas trees from past years are so clever, and I am amazed at what you're using for this year - coffee table base! Brilliant!

  27. And I forgot to say Happy BIrthday to your gorgeous daughter!

  28. And I forgot to say Happy BIrthday to your gorgeous daughter!

  29. Love all of your tree ideas! I'm starting to think of how I will do my holiday decor for this year. So fun to dream it up!
    Your daughter is stunning. How proud you must be!


  30. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter - she is so pretty! Can hardly wait to see your tree this year. I really loved the red/white one last year. Guess you are getting ready for your girlfriend Christmas party.
    Have fun decorating your home for Christmas. I am taking down all my Fall decorations and will start on my Christmas decorating. It take me so long, this old gal doesn't move in high gear anymore, what happened... LOL
    Have a terrific week and we finally have some cool fall weather, yea yea yea.

  31. Happy Birthday Jen also. I have a Birthday next week !! lot older than Jen's

    I have always liked the Christmas trees in the old galvanised wash tubs and the sleigh gets my vote also '
    I'm trying to come up with something unique for this year

  32. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! They grow up so fast. Thanks for sharing all these creative ideas, Kris.

  33. Love it Kris! Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  34. I love them all. But especially yours! You are so inventive!

  35. you're daughter is such an adorable girl! Hope you both celebrated. Love all these pics, I just put up my "Autumn Tree" today and used my olive bucket, love the look, thanks for the inspiration!

  36. Love all of these ideas....they are all so great and unique! Much more creative than a regular tree skirt, which is what I normally use! Hmmm, I may have to incorporate one of these great ideas this year! Happy birthday to your daughter...she and my youngest sister share a birthday! Love and hugs to you!!

  37. Your tree base looks lovely Chris. I with with a crate again this year, but love your idea! xx Julie

  38. HER EYES! WOW! Never have I seen eyes that big and GREEN! Lovely Kris! And I love the idea of the wheeled antique wagon for the tree. Last year I used a galvanized bucket and I think I'm going for the same this year. I had a darling Charlie Brown tree with only lights. It was so peaceful! Happy decorating!

  39. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! Thanks for the inspiring ideas for Christmas.

  40. we have a little tree to put in another room this year and i think i'm gonna use a round plant stand that belonged to my grandma. thanks for the inspo!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  41. Great inspiration Kris! I have my galvanized tub ready. My first time changing up the base. I love your new base too. How pretty is that! It's all about the base, bout the!

  42. Great inspiration Kris! I have my galvanized tub ready. My first time changing up the base. I love your new base too. How pretty is that! It's all about the base, bout the!

  43. What wonderful ideas! Thank you for sharing, now I'll be looking around to see what I can used for a base or should I say bases. :-)

    Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter.


  44. no way in the world could I pick a favorite out of all those trees....loved them all. And the base you are using for this year's tree is spectacular. I am putting a small tree up this week, which will go in a vintage metal plant stand. The theme will be deer and pheasants since it will be more of a Thanksgiving tree instead of Christmas. Everyone will be here for Thanksgiving and then we will be traveling for Christmas, I think. Hope the house sale is coming along. xoxo

  45. Good Morning Kris,
    I just love all the ideas for the stands. I love the one you are doing this year. What a great and very creative idea. Your daughter is just beautiful, happy birthday to her*** Can't wait to see your tree all done

  46. What a great idea to use the same tree and change the base. All your themes are just beautiful and very inspiring! Looking forward to seeing what you are doing with this years tree and Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter.

  47. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!!! Hope she has a year filled with happiness and many blessings! Love all these ideas for the trees. I've always loved those galvanized bases. Oh, and I adore that snowman tree! Cute, cute, cute!!!

  48. Love this base. I have plans for John to make us one this year too. Happy birthday to Jen


  49. Lovely ideas...lovelier girl! ;) Happy b'day to your gorgeous daughter!

  50. I was looking at all these wonderful ideas and low and behold what a surprise to be included. Thanks!!

  51. I can't wait till Christmas....I have about 18 totes of wonderful stuff to put out. My favorite tree bottom has to be the drum....hmmm....I wonder if I could find one around here. :)

  52. I loved this post, Kris. That gnome tree cracks me up. lol

  53. Kris, your daughter is really beautiful, killer eyes! Happy Birthday to her! I love the inspiration trees you have shown especially yours from past years. How cute is the one for this year. Can't wait to see it all done. We bought an old victorian iron stand a couple of years ago at a garage sale and am planning on using it this year, but it will take a very large tree..Happy Monday..Judy

  54. I love those Christmas tree base ideas. I usually put mine in a galvanized tub. Mine is a small table top tree. We got rid of our tall tree a couple of years ago and it's so much easier to decorate (and undecorate) for Christmas now. Plus I don't have to feel like my house just got a lot smaller. I'm allergic to live trees so we only do fake.

  55. Love these ideas! Thanks for the inspiration. I have to measure my tree's stand so I can shop around for a vintage box or tub. I had to go minimalist because my cats would eat or knock off decorations. So my tree has 300 white twinkling lights and a tabby cat angel on top. I really came to love the total simplicity of it. Besides, once the blue constellation of Bliss lights are on, covering every surface in the living room, you don't notice the tree that much anyway!

  56. Lots of great ideas, here. I think my faves are the galvanized tub and the sled. Happy birthday to your gorgeous daughter! I think she looks a lot like her pretty mama!

  57. I haven't thought of doing anything as special for a tree like you do! How do you keep them from falling over?

  58. Jann your daughter is so beautiful such and image of her mother and father. She must be an angel. You must be a real young chick to have your oldest to only be 32! My oldest is 39! I started pretty young though! Love the ideas for putting a Christmas tree in. Take care. Jo

  59. Hey Kris...I loved that you shared these ideas. I might put up a small tree in my family room this year and this gives me tons of inspiration.

    I love the picture of your daughter...she has your pretty eyes but from pics I think she favors Terry. Great combo! Happy Birthday to her!! :)

    Jane x

  60. Hi Kris, Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. Love her photo. She has the prettiest eyes.
    Thank you for sharing all the tree holders and bases. Really great inspiration here and pretty themes.
    Have a great week! xo

  61. Hi Kris, Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. Love her photo. She has the prettiest eyes.
    Thank you for sharing all the tree holders and bases. Really great inspiration here and pretty themes.
    Have a great week! xo

  62. I love these ideas...inspires me to do something more fun with our tree this year! Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  63. She is absolutely beautiful and I wish her an amazing Happy Birthday.
    I am very partial to the smaller trees on pretty tables....we have a little 4' tree that I use on my mom's vintage gate legged table.
    I sit the tree in a bright red farmers basket and pile red and white and silver on it...very traditional, never themed, loaded with tiny memories.....

  64. Hi Kris,
    Your daughter is beautiful. I love her smile. Happy Birthday to her.
    xx oo
    I love what you did last year, I love, love gingham.
    I really like the galvanized bucket idea in the ideas you shared.

  65. Love the inspiration, and your trees are right up there. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. xoxo Su

  66. Wow. All those trees are gorgeous!!!!

  67. Wow. All those trees are gorgeous!!!!

  68. Loved all the inspiration here today Kris....cannot wait to see your tree stand this year...and Happy Birthday to Jen...she is a very pretty lady...just like her mom!!

  69. Kris, I love all the inspiring Christmas ideas! Your tree last year is my favorite! Happy Birthday to Jen, she's gorgeous!

  70. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter Kris! What great tree inspirations. I have used the wash tub in the past but came up with something different this year. It is always so much this time of year!

  71. Very cool ideas there. I have't ever changed up the bottom of my tree much...maybe I should give it a try.

  72. Loved this post Kris, so many great ideas and the photos were all so pretty! I have done the bucket and the crate and put trees on top of pedestal tables...but your tree in the wagon, so cute! And I just loved your red and white theme you did...but...I cannot wait to see your tree this year, the base looks amazing! What a great idea!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  73. Hello Kris,
    Your ideas and photos are so awesome! The holidays will be here so fast that it is fun to enjoy them as long as we can. Thank you for sharing and Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  74. Your daughter is stunning!! I hope she had a wonderful birthday! Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos ~ I'm using a small tree these days since I have limited space. Last year I placed it on a table and I'm sure I'll do the same this year. However, you've given me some great ideas for a container.

    Can't wait to see your tree! Great base ~ you are so creative.


  75. I'm loving all of the beautiful trees...thank you so much for posting them. And...your daughter is beautiful!

  76. Jen is a beauty. I see both Terry and you in her looks. (Happy birthday, Jen!) Love all the pretty trees. I have lots of ideas and inspiration now for our own Christmas tree after seeing all these. Thanks, Kris!

  77. really nice blog.i have bookmark this site.thanks for your analysis.I usually then try to make a theme around that. The same tree each year but with a different base and theme.

  78. Every year I like to switch things up and find a unique item to put my tree in for Christmas. I usually then try to make a theme around that.tree skirt

