Hellooooo and Happy Friday.
Yeah I am not homeless anymore!!!! We got everything moved out of the POD and into the house yesterday. While I am overwhelmed with having boxes and stuff everywhere I am excited to finally be HOME!
I found this painted plank saying awhile ago and just loved the message. So I cannot wait to hang it in the new house. |
Priority #1 was getting my sleep number bed up and ready for us to sleep in last night. Oh how I have missed my bed! I had a little Hug Fest with my sweet bed! It was nice to land in this bed last night! |
While I see boxes and stuff everywhere I will be so happy when I can start to decorate.
We have some major unpacking and the kitchen to finish before I can start my decor. Just trying to breath and not get too overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done.
Seriously moving is not for sissies! |
Remember my armoire that Terry made into an office space for my computer in our last house. It is now going to be re loved into a nice big pantry for the kitchen area.
Our kitchen is so tiny that I needed more storage.
I had intended this to be in the living room but it was too big for the space. It is challenging living in a tiny house. Sometimes where you think something will fit it really does not. |
I found one of my sweet angels while unpacking so I put her in the window of the kitchen to watch over us as we try to get this kitchen together today. |
This sweet love while confused is adjusting to her new life. I love that she loves that white chair like Cooper did.
Peggy is wondering why she is not back at my daughters with the three dogs. She was just getting to like them and poof now she is an only child again! I told her No worries she will drive down with me on babysitting days to see the boys.
I am so glad we adopted this wonderful fur ball of love. Peggy is really happy to be living indoors and have comfy places to nap.
House training is coming along nicely too. Since she was kenneled outdoors all the time they potty when and wherever so she is doing pretty good with getting to know to go outside to potty.
I am wishing all of you a great Friday and wonderful weekend. It is sooooo hot here in the burbs of Chicago. 95 yesterday and today. Perfect weather for moving in right?!!!! Ughhh!!!
I cannot wait to get to the decorating part to show you. This sweet little cottage house is going to be so cozy and fun to decorate.
While living large in a tiny house has it's challenges, and all the renovation nightmares, I am so happy we got this home.
With the basement almost finished for extra living space I think we can make this work for us.