Saturday Spotlight: Life Behind the Blogger

Amy from Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 Saturday Spotlight: Life Behind the Blogger is a feature done each Saturday that introduces you to a blogger you may already know or a new blogger for you to get to know. This feature gives you a peak into the personal life of the blogger.  Getting to know the special person behind the beautiful blog.

There is so much talent and inspiration in blogland so enjoy getting to know these talented bloggers each Saturday.

I am excited to introduce you to Amy from Ms. Toody Goo Shoes blog.  Amy is so sweet and so fun to get to know.  She has had a very exciting career and now is home and channeling her talents into her blog.  Sit back and read this special feature and get to know Amy.  Then head over and introduce yourselves to her.

Hi, everyone! I'm Amy, from Ms. Toody Goo Shoes. First things first -- thank you, Kris, for giving me the opportunity to take center stage at your beautiful blog today...I am truly honored to be in your spotlight!

I absolutely freeze when someone says, "So, tell us a little bit about yourself." It's like I suddenly can't think of a single thing to say. Good thing Kris gave me ample lead time to come up with something!

Dad and me at the Jersey shore

Let's start with the fact that I'm a Jersey girl -- born and raised, with a 22-year interlude in New York City. Probably the most exciting thing that ever happened to me in New Jersey is that I kissed Bruce Springsteen. Let me be clear that he did NOT kiss me. He showed up at a college dance, and I was so star-struck that I went up to him, blabbered something about being his biggest fan, and kissed him on the cheek. I still cringe when I think about that. I'm guessing he does, too.

Aside from making a fool of myself at dances, I was at college to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Deciding on my major went something like this: 

English? Boring. 
Science? Too hard. 
Math? Not a chance. 
Communications? What's that -- TV? 
I watch TV, okay, I'll major in that. 

No joke.

That "least of all evils" decision turned out to be a pretty good one. I spent 32 years working at a major TV network you've all heard of, deciding what time some of your favorite shows would air. I worked my way up from the bottom of the barrel to the corner office, and got to do some pretty cool things. For most of my time there, I absolutely loved my job -- until I didn't. More about that in a minute.

Emmy Party!

When I was 25, my mother gave me a suggestion that changed my life. A friend was looking for a roommate in New York City, and my mom said, "What about you?" 
It was a "Duh!" moment, and I ended up living there for 22 years. 

New York City

In the unofficial rule book for single Manhattanites, it is advised that one take a "share" in either Fire Island or the Hamptons, and rent a house with other single people for summer weekends. I heeded the advice, and went to Fire Island, which is where I met my husband a few summers later. When he started talking to me, I planned to be on my way after some polite conversation. But, he was so nice that I stuck around...for good! We've been married for 21 years, and he is still the wind beneath my wings!

Fire Island, NY

When it seemed that having a child wasn't in the cards, we decided to go ahead and buy a weekend home in the Hamptons, which is, of course, when I got pregnant! As Mr. Goo Shoes says, he had a contract for a house in one hand and a positive pregnancy test in the other. We bought the house (we've since sold it)...

...and Junior Goo Shoes is now 16 years old, and 6'3!"

Pardon their boys are camera-shy.

The other member of our family is our sweet cockapoo, Sadie. Look at that face!

We moved from New York City to New Jersey thirteen years ago, because our apartment started to shrink as our son got older. You know... the bigger the boy, the bigger the toys. Raising him in the suburbs was a great decision for our family, although we still enjoy going into New York City frequently.

I was a career mom for most of my son's life, but when things changed at work, and I wasn't happy, Mr. Goo Shoes and I agreed that I should leave. And so I did, exactly three years ago.

I had a list a mile long of things I wanted to do when I stopped working, with writing and photography at the top. Six months after leaving my job, I started my blog. The funny thing is, I had no idea what a blog was (really!), so I bought Blogging For Dummies, and jumped in head-first, not knowing what the heck I was doing. But, boy, was I happy! I found a place to corral all of my creative passions under one roof. And, the unexpected gift was all of the wonderful bloggy friends I've made in the process.

Many of my posts are about baking, and my all-too-frequent kitchen calamaties. And, who knew blogging was fattening? I've gained five pounds since I started writing!

I'd rather do anything but cook, so I only post super-easy recipes.

Sometimes I write about the interior of my home (but only after I've tidied up, of course).

My deck is my happy place, where I share what's going on in my backyard. 

Travel is my passion, and I love writing about our family vacations.


I hope you'll stop by and visit me at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes. I co-host a link party on Friday nights called Best of the Weekend, and I'd love for you to come and share your creative posts!

Thank you, Kris, for inviting me to participate in your Saturday Spotlight!

Thank you Amy for sharing your life with us.  It was fun to get to know you better.  Have a great week end everyone.

-- Amy @ Ms. Toody Goo Shoes


  1. Hi Kris, I really enjoy Amy's wonderful blog and I was so happy this summer when I got to meet her in person!
    Enjoyed reading about you today Amy and I hope we can get together again.
    Thanks Kris for spotlighting Amy. Hope you both have a nice weekend.
    Julie xo

  2. Kris,

    Thank you for featuring this wonderfully creative, down to earth and fun lady. I can't say enough about how great this was to read. I'm off to her blog right now!

    Jane x

  3. Kris, I can't thank you enough for allowing me to shine in your spotlight this week! It is so generous of you to turn over your blog each week to feature other bloggers. I had a lot of fun putting together this post, and hope to make a few new acquaintances!

    1. Now that was a wonderful read about one of my favorite bloggers! Thank you both, Kris and Amy!
      Cheers from sunny Vienna,

  4. I have visited Amy's blog, but I knew nothing of her story. What an interesting life!

  5. Oh, that photo of the lovely! And the bird singing. Sweet as can be.

  6. Kris thank you so much for giving Amy the spotlight today, what a wonderful story she has to tell. Never realized she is a Jersey girl!!! Wishing both you and Amy a fabulous weekend!
    XO Barbara

  7. Great feature! I like to visit her blog and now that I know a little more personal stuff, I'll enjoy it even more. Living in New York City for part of your life is quite the adventure!

  8. Good morning Kris! So glad to see Amy spotlighted - I have been a fan of her blog since the beginning. It was great getting to know her even better. Happy Saturday my friend! Jane

  9. Hi Kris, great feature to introduce Amy. Going over to say hello. She has enjoyed an adventurous life. Thanks for sharing this spotlight.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs, cm

  10. Kris, I am happy to meet Amy through your feature today. I have to tell her though , I have kissed Bruce many, many times my dreams. LOL. I am going to check her blog. Hope you and Terry are having a nice weekend. It rained her, yes during our festival..can't even believe it. Today is sunny and cool. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  11. What a fabulous story Kris, and although I've been following Amy for quite some time, I learned some fun facts I didn't know. Amy is a true 'Joisey Girl'...down to earth, witty and full of adventure. Love her and her blog!

  12. Thank you Kris for introducing us to Amy! What an interesting life and career she has had. Heading over to her blog to check it out! Have a great weekend gf.

  13. Hi Kris, taking a break and I'll explain when I'm back but I have much catching up to do. Amy is a favorite of mine. Love her blog and recipes and hearing about her family and travels. After and she's a fellow Jersey girl


  14. Thank you Kris, I have visited Mrs goo shoes before, what an exciting interesting lady, so glad you featured her it allowed us to get to know her much better. I shall return to visit her getting to know her even better.
    My grandfather worked in her industry winning an Oscar as an art producer with Paramount Movie Picture Studios, it's and exciting world with so many bloggers we have no clue there back ground and with your features it allows bloggers to talk a bit more on a different level about themselves.

    What a life to love.


  15. Thanks Kris for a wonderful Saturday spotlight! What makes it even better is that she is also a Jersey Girl. Milena

  16. Kris, you have met some very interesting people along the way here and MissToody is no exception. Love that we can all be connected in some way, thanks for the great post! Sandi

  17. Kris so enjoyed this spotlight of Amy, thanks. I am now following her and really enjoyed reading this spotlight of a very interesting delightful woman. Happy Anniversary wishes to you and Terry today.

  18. I enjoyed meeting Amy today! I'm off to visit her blog! Thanks for the spotlight, Kris.

  19. I have visited Amy's blog, but I loved reading about her life in NYC. Very cool. I also can relate as I was a communications major and would rather do anything than cook!

  20. HI Kris, Amy is a very interesting and diverse lady. I really enjoyed reading her spotlight. I think that she is someone that will teach us all a lot of life. She's very charming, witty, and intelligent I love that. I'm headed over now to say hi. Thank again for sending me a new friend. Hugs, Jo

  21. Amazing blog, amazing life, amazing Amy! Thanks so much for featuring her and sharing her incredible talents!

  22. I follow Ms. Toody Goo Shoes blog. I live vicariously through her with her amazing travels. I had no idea her son was 6'3!!!! He's not even in highschool yet (I don't think). I think she should remove the word Junior from his nick name now. LOL! Thanks for featuring her. It was fun getting to learn more about her.

  23. Wow, had no idea her son is 6'3" ! Mind you when I'm with the family two of our sons are 6' and I have to look up to them ...

    Good post to read here, thanks.

    All the best Jan

  24. It was fun to meet Amy and hear about her interesting ;life!

  25. Hi Girls,

    I knew Amy's story, but I sure loved hearing it again; this girl can gab - and cook, and bake, and garden, and take amazing photos!

    Thanks for featuring Amy today, Kris.

    Happy weekend, ladies!


  26. Amy is the sweetest. I love it when she links up to Tweak It because her food photos are so well done! Love that dog's face too!

  27. Thanks for introducing us to Amy. It is interesting learning about the different paths and places we all travel.

  28. Wow, I was out all day, and just came home to these lovely comments! Thank you everyone, old friends and new, for taking the time to leave such kind words. Next time I"m having a bad day, I'm coming back here to re-read your comments to lift my spirits! Hugs to all! Amy xoxo

  29. I love reading Amy's blog and she is such a generous person with her words and comments. It was lovely to read more about the woman behind the blog. xxx

  30. Another great spotlight Kris-loved reading about Amy and her family!

  31. Dearest Kris
    You are so good at searching out interesting bloggers for us to meet - I love your Saturday's spotlights - thank you!
    Amy has a great story and I enjoyed hearing about her life in New York and NJ.
    I'm off to check out her blog now.
    Shane x

  32. Kris, thanks so much for sharing this lovely lady and her blog! Very interesting life, beautiful home and I'd love to capture Sadie. :) Off to check her blog.


  33. I read her blog regularly and quite often she's a hoot ! :)

  34. I just recently met Amy, Kris, and I love her. She is sweet and witty and I'm so looking forward to reading more of her blog. Thanks for featuring her. I learned a lot today. ~ Nancy

  35. How fun to see Amy featured! She's so funny and sweet. Always a kind word to say and I loved learning more about her :)


  36. Thanks Kris for featuring Amy! I'm a little late to the party but plan on heading over to Amy's blog next.

  37. Life is so crazy right now that I missed this completely - so nice to see you here today Amy !!!

  38. Kris, I've loved reading Amy's post! It's answered questions I always wanted to ask her, like "What did you do in television?" Now I know! Amy is the best travel writer ever, truly. She could make a living doing that, also baking--oh, my goodness the times my mouth has watered looking at her creations! Best of all, she's such a sweetheart and I do hope to meet her finally when she visits Nashville soon.


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