Sweet Umbrella DIY and Ugly Blog Comment

I found this super cute umbrella at Hobby Lobby before the Stay at Home Order from our governor in Illinois.  Also found some faux spring tulips.

I had the cute double nest so I added that to the umbrella and simply spread out the tulips.  Hung it on my french door going outside from the kitchen.

Cute and easy DIY.  All the spring decor was on sale for 50% off the day I got the umbrella at Hobby Lobby.  I think it was $11.50 with the discount.

Ok now for the Ugly blog comment.  
Rarely do I get an ugly comment on my blog.  
I think in the 10 years I have been blogging maybe twice I have ever gotten something ugly written in the comments.

This comment was left on my last post and it hit my heart.  With how much my family members that are first responders and health care providers on the front lines of Coronavirus are sacrificing and risking.
I had to respond. 

Of course this person is an anonymous and no reply person so I could not handle this through private channels between myself and them.   I had to do it publically on the blog.  

These are serious times we are all facing and because I chose not to explain all the nitty gritty of what my family and myself are doing with all of the Covid 19 on the blog this person felt it necessary to assume and make an ugly comment about me "sticking my head in the sand".

I am coming out of retirement to help out with the Covid 19 testing since they are so short handed of RN's.  

I felt that was not something I wanted to share and I also have not shared the 15 hour days and countless overtime my SIL and husband as first responders are putting in and my daughter with her clinic are doing with all of this.  
Sacrifices and hardships we are making in this family while taking big risks to our family.  This comment just hit me so hard.

Here is the comment:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Spring Bunnies":

Ending soon? And you are a retired nurse? Time to pull your head out of the sand!

Unsubscribe from comment emails for this blog.

Posted by Anonymous to Junk Chic Cottage at March 22, 2020 at 11:07 AM

Really you want to go here!!!!!
What is wrong with people.  
This is a time we should all be kind and considerate of each other and the sacrifices we are all making.  
My blog is not a political or intimate place of things I want to share about the Coronavirus.  
Comments like there's above are just uncalled for and hateful.  
I think they need to take their head out of the sand and realize that lots of people are making sacrifices and do not need to be posting that on their blogs for personal reasons but it does not mean our "heads are in the sand".
This just really angered me and this has been helpful to get it out here today.  Then after this post I am not going to share this ugly anymore.  That is not what my blog is about.  I thank all you faithful and loving friends on my blog for all your support and sweet comments left each and every post.
On this note I wish all of you in the following weeks and months to stay safe.  Happy we have our blogs where we can find some kind of normalcy and share with each other.   It is nice to have an outlet while we are all trying to stay safe.


  1. Hello my friend. I just read the comment on the last post and your response. I'm with you all the way. I pray that as you go out to volunteer, that your happy heart and helpful soul will reach those who are frightened, unsure, suffering and need to see God's hand in their lives. LOVE YOU!

  2. P.S.you inspired me here. I'm putting out my French straw hat, IF I CAN FIND IT, on my front door! Love those tulips...

  3. I saw that comment y'day, and was flabbergasted!

    Here is a huge cyber hug for you and your family ~

  4. I just saw that comment on your previous post and I am figuring that this person is either very unhappy and angry, or else is just a troll. I can only imagine how badly it hurt you when you are a nurse and your husband is a firefighter, and I feel badly for you for that. People need to think twice before they post something that could be so hurtful and ignorant.

  5. PS - love your umbrella with the tulips in it! :-)

  6. Hi Kris,
    I read that comment on your last blog post and I couldn't believe they said that to you. You and your family work so hard serving everyone everyday. People should leave nasty thoughts and comments to themselves if they can't say anything nice. Do not let these people bring you down or make you feel bad! You are the best!
    I love your pretty door and the sweet umbrella looks just perfect for spring. Have a nice week and stay safe and be well. :)
    Hugs, Julie xo

  7. How could anyone ever say anything petty to you of all people!!!!! Good thing your friends dont know who said that. You are one of the sweetest, kindest people I have ever know. Take care as you venture out into this crazy world. Your hubby and daughter too. Love ya.

  8. I'm really sorry you had to deal with such negativity, Kris! It was so unfair...and a comment obviously made by someone who doesn't know you at all! Love to you, sweet friend! Love your adorable umbrella decoration!

  9. I'm sorry that happened to you. Not everyone shares all parts of their personal lives on their blogs. Your blog has always been upbeat, a place to share decorating ideas, sometimes fun pet experiences... A good lesson in not presuming we know someone's life until we live it. -Jenn

  10. What a rotten person. I don't understand why people even post negative comment. Just go and never come back if you don't like it I would suggest.

  11. Kris, you are truly one of the most generous and kind people I have the pleasure of knowing. I'm well aware of your family's service in so many areas, too. I was really, really hoping that if nothing else, this scary situation would bring out kindness in our country. 😔 Please take care of yourself out there...xo

  12. number 1 what business is it of hers? number2 you are great to go out and help out.wish i were younger and in good health iwould come out of retirement also to help

  13. i don't know why they always call me unknown my name is nancy turner and i am from nw wi

    1. I am not sure on this Nancy. Sometimes this stuff gets crazy on blogger.

  14. Oh Kris, what a hateful thing for someone to say and so undeserved, too. I know how wonderful you and Terry (and all your family) are and how much you all care. Whoever left that cowardly comment is clearly not worth your notice. I love you and you will always have my support.

    Stay healthy, sending massive hugs!


    1. ps forgot to say how cute your display is. :)

  15. I love the umbrella. What a fresh promise of Spring. I am so very sorry you had to deal with this. I am finding that this situation is causing some to be mean. I have one child whose family made the decision to stay in. I respect that decision. My son is a PA. He has to work and feels like his family should be able to get out if they use the precautionary measures. I respect that. But I have found myself trying to do what they want me to do instead of listening to my own good judgement. I have to work. I work for Easterseals and I have a member that I take care. So, I hope we all can remember to be kind even when we disagree. We need to respect the choices of others. Be encouraged, sweet friend.

  16. After Reading this it sure shows that we have to explain Everything to some people so that they understand. I am so sick and tired of people that can't stand for their Words but are Anonymous. It's so cowardly.
    Just love the Little umbrella.
    Love Elzie

  17. Your sweet umbrella looks so 'springy'. I love the bunnies, they are 'loving & kind'. I'm sorry you had to deal with an ugly comment. God's blessings and protection on your and your family and on all others around the world who are out in the middle of this health crisis, doing what they can to help others.

    Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

  18. Dear Kris, My straw hat's off to you for responding to the ugly comment as you did! My blog was attacked by someone in my family years ago and shut my blog down for years. I reestablished it but my hearts no longer into it. Life happened and my time was taken up by other things. You are amazing! I love coming to see what you're up to. I may not leave comments all the time but please know you lift us up with your creative heart to make a beautiful home and a good life. I want to thank you for your work out there in the trenches! It'a a scary time and it takes a lot of dedication to mankind to go our into the unknown. God bless you & protect you every moment of every day! Blessings, Edie Marie

  19. Stay safe, Kris, and stay in the light. Words can be sharper than knives. You and your family have been having a rough time and I am keeping you in my thoughts. Thank you for ALL you do.

  20. Hi Kris,

    Such a great post and I'm happy you addressed this and hope the person that left the comment read it. I'm thinking no because they don't have a clue what this forum is about, friendships and connecting. I feel sorry for people with angry and have nothing to do but criticize about something they no idea about. Your family is amazing and always sacrifice.

    On the umbrella, so cute and I love the double nests hanging.

    Stay strong and safe my friend


  21. Haters gonna hate. You and your family are heroes!!! I admire you, I love your blog. If I could get to you (wherever you are lol) I'd bring you a big fat ice cream cone.

  22. P.S. I love the umbrella decor - I love wreaths on inside windows, so pretty to enjoy every day! Wish our stores were open because I'm seriously in a mood to go SHOPPING!

  23. Bless your heart Kris. Some people are just cruel and heartless. Because of spam I always moderate my comments. Girl....This person has no clue what is really happening in the real world! GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY....that comment was UGLY! You answered well my friend. And....I do love your umbrella decor and I might could even make one like that myself. LOL! Might have some time on my hands to give it a try! Hugs and blessings to you. Cindy

  24. Kris, I am so glad you spoke up to the troll. I read the post but didn't comment, thus didn't read the other 99.9% lovely comments. This proves that if you don't know what you are talking about, keep your trap shut. When I don't sleep at night, I pray for folks and Terry came to mind because of his job. I will redouble my prayers for you and your family. On a lighter note, love the umbrella with tulips. xoxo

  25. I'm sorry that happened. Bless you for coming out of retirement for this. We need a safe place to escape for a while. Your blog has always been a place of joy and light and beauty. I waver between such fear and peace (seeing what God is going to do in this) that I need a place to just escape it all. Love you friend! Be safe. Praying for all the first responders in your life-including you.

  26. Thank you for your service, Kris, all of your family's service. Thank the drivers, the mailmen, the cleaning staff at the grocery stores we have to shop, to the clerk at the drive-thru window, to pharmacists, to our tirelessly working public servants--to all the people that SERVE us in every way, every day! We must learn to put on another's shoes...when we walk through this life. STAY SAFE and be KIND!

  27. Good for you! I know this probably doesn't help but I'm amazed you've only had a few haters. I've been blogging 11 years and I've had my fair share. How nice of you to offer your help in a time of need. We have to help one another. My way of helping today was to put a package of latex gloves (4 pair) in a baggie on the front porch for the Shipt delivery woman. I asked if she had any on the phone and she said they're nowhere to be found. I had a bag of them I ordered for something or other. Have to think of those delivery people who are exposed. And I'll tip her $25 to help her out too. I so appreciate these people!

  28. Kris, you are such a kind and genuine person who is always cheerful and sharing your lovely home. You are so brave to step forward to help in the healthcare. Kudos to all who are working day and night on this virus. Terry is a wonderful man who is giving so much of himself being a fire fighter and city manager. Clearly this ugly person is full of hatred. It might be the same person who left another nasty comment here. They also left that same message about boomers on my blog. People who hide behind their screens and keyboard are indeed cowards. They think they can spread their nastiness around and bring people down. Not happening! It just shows their true character, which are people who are miserable and feel so inadequate. We are survivors and shall persevere. No one with hatred in their heart shall change who we are. Thank you and your family were everything you are doing. Much love to you.

    1. I also meant to say your umbrella is so cute and full of spring. Enjoy your lovely home. xo

  29. I am so sorry for the unkind comments you are getting. You do not deserve this. Thank you for your family and the work that they do. We could not all survive if it wasn't for front line people like you. I love your blog because it brings love, joy and beauty to my world. Please do not give us. We love you and Terry

  30. Thank you and your family for all that you are doing to help with the impact of this virus. You are all truly appreciated!!!!

  31. We ❤️ you, Kris, and everything you and your family are sacrificing during this crisis. You are one of the kindest, most thoughtful, and generous bloggers I've been blessed to get to know. Don't let em get to you. We need your bright light! xo

  32. Hello Kris,
    LOVE YOU!!! And your family.
    Thank you for the prayers for Sam. He is currently on standby, but today more National Guard where put into action. He is ready for the job. He has trained well for many situations and they have what they need.
    Stay safe my dear friend, you are very special to me. We will meet up this summer!!!

    I love the umbrella!

  33. A. Some people are just mean and crazy.
    B. I LOVE that umbrella - man I wish I had seen that before the 'lock down'

    Prayers for you all to stay healthy and safe! Thank you for serving!

  34. OMG I love the little check umbrella with tulips....so adorable!
    I don't know why people feel the need to be so ugly and leave nasty comments.
    You can't fix stupid.....
    Stay safe!

  35. It breaks my heart as to how nasty things have gotten in our country and especially comments to bloggers. I'm so grateful you blog. Your message is always positive and I love looking at how much you obviously love your home. Thank you for making our days brighter in more ways than one. xoxoxoxo

  36. Sweet friend, just read all the comments today to see how loved you are! Thank you for all the help you and your family are and have provided.
    Love the umbrella and the picture of the whole wall! Magazine worthy! Please be safe and I will pray for you and your family.
    Big hug sweet friend!

  37. Lovely umbrella and tulips, Kris!!!
    As far as the comment, I would not think about it too much. I got rid of Anonymous relies a long time ago.

  38. Sending love. I know the sting of those comments even though we consider the source. Our blog world is so kind and supportive that when someone thoughtless and unkind creeps in like this it hits as a shock. Your blog is full of inspiration and light. Thank you to you and your selfless family. Big hugs! J.

  39. That's awful, Kris!!!! I got an insanely nasty comment on my most recent post also, and I very nearly published it and replied but this person was clearly not sane, so I chose not to. But it was seriously the most horrible, mean, evil comment I've ever gotten....there's a reason I moderate comments! Also anonymous....big brave bully, right? Be well out there, my friend - xoxo

  40. Hi Kris,
    First, I love you umbrella! Love it!
    My son is in college and just got his EMT. When CO had an open call Erich wanted to sign up... then he got strep and pneuomonia! But as soon as he is cleared he really wants to help. He is EMT in MN where he attends college. Thank you and that comment. Anonymous? What I want to say is "grow a pair." But I am not that kind of girl! xo

  41. Sweet Kris. I know this kind of stuff hurts your heart. What an unkind and stupid thing to say. To think that you would mean anything other than what we all are thinking. This is a bad time and we hope that it won't last too much longer. Anyone who thinks that comment would mean any thing other than what it does is not in tune
    with the human spirit. We are all in this together and just trying to come out on the right side and nasty comments have no place in the blogging community. Stay well, my friend, and keep doing what you do best..xxoJudy and I love that little umbrella full of springtime. I tried to leave a comment on your current post, did it twice and don't think it came up, so will see with this one..

  42. Oh yeah...that umbrella is darling, alright! I think we could rack our brains all day long as to why some folks are so ugly and hateful. I think there are so many sad people in the world who just don't know Jesus or anything about God's grace and what they do best is lash out at anyone they can. They may even be the same peeps who are hoarding up all the toilet paper, who knows??! It's easy to hide behind an anonymous comment...they are cowards. I'm so glad you were able to directly respond to them and yes, I after nearly 7 years blogging, I started moderating my comments too. Stay safe and healthy, friend!

  43. This stuns me. This sad person has no idea who you are, what your heart is, what your commitment to family, friends, community, and country is. And she/he had no idea how many people will willingly stand up and defend you against a crass action like theirs.

    I guess a stinker has to come along online every now and then but I'm so thankful that our blogging community rarely sees it.

    Sending love to you and your family,

  44. First, I address this knucklehead (that's putting it nicely) Thank you for coming forward to help with this. Thank you also for the first & front line responders that are in your familiy. I have several first responders and several close family in clinical settings as well; your work is incredible, your resilience is amazing. Stay healthy and safe.Don't let this person get you down, your blog is filled with sunshine and happiness. The umbrella looks lovely and thanks for sharing this post. <3 <3

  45. Free speech, you go girl.. wahoo. Love your happy blog.

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