Here is one of the laundry room off my kitchen. I love this room to do laundry in it is bright and sunny with a big window. |
My husband made this cabinet over the washer and dryer for me and used old vintage washboards for cabinet doors. Lot's of storage. |
I took an old sewing spool and added an old crystal door knob to the end and hung my old vintage laundry hangers on it. My friend had given me this old magnetic wash board for my birthday. |
My new folding table that the hubby built for me and then I added the skirt. I do not sew so I was thrilled when I could use these drape panels for a skirt. |
This door hides my ugly water heater and provides some storage. |
A close up of the no sew burlap window treatment. |
Old vintage ironing board I got at the flea market for $20. I love that it still has the directions on how to use the ironing board still on it. |
Up close shot of the old wooden sewing spool made into a hanger rack. |
I added old vintage and newer baskets to the walls and put in my old vintage pillows made out of old pillow cases inside for some soft bling to the walls. |
I got this old wash bucket ringer awhile back at a flea market and just love it up on the shelf. |
Now I can add whimsy to the laundry room too!!! |
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