Hello sweet blogging friends.
Hope you all have a great Memorial Day.
We owe so much to all the men and women that have given so much so we can be safe and free.
I have some news to share!!!!
Before I start the news I want to warn you this is a long blog post.
So grab yourself a frosty beverage before beginning to read! :)
As most of you know that have followed my blog know that Terry is a fire chief and the ups and downs of the fire service we have been dealing with these past 6 years.
We got settled into Junk Chic Cottage #1 in a small Lake Town up north in Illinois back about 14 years ago when Terry got the position as Fire Chief.
This is also when I started my blog and introduced you to Junk Chic Cottage #1.
This was Junk Chic Cottage home #1. A beautiful ranch home in a great lake town. |
This was our home by the lake. |
Since we lived in a lake town I wanted my guest room to reflect that with my decor. |
No matter which Junk Chic Cottage I have owned I always have my summer flowers and a place for my lounge chair. This was my lounge chair at Junk Chic Cottage #1. |
After 8 years in this sweet lake home, Terry lost his position of Fire Chief. Politics and Money!!!!
So began the hunt for another Fire Chief position.
It took 2 long years to find another Fire Chief position.
I have to tell you what we paid in health insurance alone for the two years was outrageous and this is why he could not stay retire at age 58.
We needed him working for the health benefits with the costs being so high here in Illinois.
While he was out of work and looking we bought the town house Junk Chic Cottage #2.
It was in a sweet town near my daughter and son in law and two grand girls.
That worked out nicely since I retired as a nurse to help take care of my grand girls for my daughter.
Welcome to Junk Chic Cottage #2 |
Junk Chic Cottage #2 was a town home. Loved this home but way too many stairs with three levels. It was ok because I knew once Terry found a job we would be on the move again! |
Junk Chic Cottage 2 was when I had my full on white home decor!!!!!
And a bad camera I might add :(
Again always had a space for my lounge chair! |
After two long years of searching for a job Terry landed a job back up north in Illinois.
This is when we bought Junk Chic Cottage #3.
The tiny cottage home we live in now.
Junk Chic Cottage # 3 |
This was a major over haul with JCC #3. We had to build a garage make a driveway and re do the whole backyard!!!! Not to mention renovating the lower level for more living space! |
When we first moved into this tiny home we learned to use every sq. inch of this tiny house to live. I tried to get the best seating for the tiny spaces. |
Added some yellow to my whites by adding wallpaper. It gave this cottage feel to this sweet little house. |
Still had room for my sweet lounge chair! She moves each time with me! |
I do not want to share too much about his current job but I will say it was not a good fit for him and he needed once again to find another job.
The politics and changes to the fire service do not always make for the best place to work.
We just need 5 more years of benefits to hopefully retire. Terry has worked hard and has been in the fire service for 38 years and retired once at age 50. The problem is when you are 50 you still have college debt, house not paid for and wedding costs along with needing health benefits.
So the job hunt was on and he landed a new job that he will begin in the next few weeks.
It is in a town further south again almost in the area we began our married life and where we spent most of our time.
We have family and friends in this area.
The new position does not require residency in the town so we could stay in Junk Chic Cottage 3 but the commute would be a long one for Terry.
We will be putting Junk Chic Cottage #3 on the market in the next few weeks.
That means selling, buying and moving again! I really am getting good at this but at the same time am tired and do not want to go through it all again.
I am staying positive we will get a quick buyer on this home and there will be something wonderful for us to buy again and hopefully will be our permanent home!
I have to admit with all the homes we have owned this by far has been my most favorite.
I have embraced living small.
The cons of living in this area are the cost of living and the outrageous taxes we pay on this tiny home.
I will not miss that!
So the hunt will be on for Junk Chic Cottage 4. They say three is the lucky number, I am hoping in our case 4 is the lucky number.
I would like to find another small home like this with a yard or a town home or condo with some kind of small space yard.
I am not ready to give up on my wanting a yard. Plus Buddy loves having a yard.
In the meantime I will keep you posted on possibilities.
I do have a few things I have done to this home in the last month to show in my next post.
Have a wonderful week.
PS: This is the lounger currently on my deck for this summer. It has been raining so much I have not been able to finish up my flowers or put out my lounge chair cover just yet. It will happen hopefully soon. |