Susan from Must Love Junk, and myself wanted to do a regular feature on our blogs, something unique that hasn't been done before. So we came up with an idea to 'spotlight the real life behind the blogger' in a more personal way.
There is so much talent and inspiration in blogland, and we thought it would be fun to bring you a closer look at the person behind the blog.
Every week on Saturday we will spotlight a blogger and have them tell us a little bit about themselves and their blogs. You will be able to see and read about each of the bloggers on both Susan's and my blog.
Janae from Not So Shabby Shabby Chic May 24 |
Good Morning and Happy Saturday. This week I am introducing you to a sweet blogger and I have to put a WARNING on this read. The warning is you will have extreme "how adorable" and "how cute" is that while reading her feature. Janae from Not So Shabby Shabby Chic is a blogger I met through her Mom another fun blogger Sandy from Love of White that I featured a while back.
Janae shares my love of white and shabby chic. Janae will introduce you to her furry family that is just too adorable. I have to warn all of you this will have you saying awwwww on the cuteness alone. Wait until you see how she get's her little furry kids to all look at the camera and smile. Enjoy getting to know Janae, her boyfriend and her fur kids. When you have a minute please hop over to see her beautiful blog.
Janae shares my love of white and shabby chic. Janae will introduce you to her furry family that is just too adorable. I have to warn all of you this will have you saying awwwww on the cuteness alone. Wait until you see how she get's her little furry kids to all look at the camera and smile. Enjoy getting to know Janae, her boyfriend and her fur kids. When you have a minute please hop over to see her beautiful blog.
Hello everyone! I am so excited to be doing the feature for Junk Chic Cottage. I am so honored to be shared by a blogger with such a gorgeous home!
I'll start with the basics, My name is Janae I am 24 years old, I live in Oregon where I was born and raised. I am huge animal lover and am very close with my family. My day job title is "Senior Certified Pharmacy Tech" for a well known a chain, but my true passions are decorating and my fur-babies. 

My blog is called
Not So Shabby - Shabby Chic
I bought my first home 3 years ago when I was 21. I have so much fun decorating it.
My boyfriend of 7+ years lives with me, along with our 11 furry children.
Sidney & I have been together since my Junior (his Senior) year in high school.
I am so blessed to have a man who loves animals like I do, and is also very tolerate of having a pink master bedroom and a girly rest of the house, he does have a man cave room in which I do not decorate at all.
My Mother is my very best friend. We see each other at least 4 times a week, usually more, and talk on the phone every single day usually for at least an hour. We have so much in common. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful Mother/ Best friend
My Mother is also a blogger, you may have read about her before, because Kris featured her too a while back.
I am also very close with my step Dad and younger siblings, I am so blessed to have such a close family, I also only live about 5 minutes away from them, although we have talked about trying to someday live next door to each other.
When I started my blog just about 4 years ago it was going to be all about decorating, but over time as I have added to my furry family, it has become just as much if not more, about the fur-kids too. When I started my blog I was a renter so I only had 1 rabbit & 1 cat, so you can see my fur-family has grown a lot.
We have 4 Pomeranians (Bella, Bentley, Lilly & Lacie) 5 cats (Billie, Lulu, Levi, Leo, & Alien) & 2 rabbits (Little Bunny Fufu & Frankie). They are my babies, I cant even explain to you how much I love them.
I am a promoter of rescuing! Five of my eleven furkids are rescues. When I added the first several to our family, I didn't really know how important rescuing is. Now that I am educated on the subject, I will only adopt from shelters, or rescue groups.
Two of my Fur-kids are 3 legged Rescues.
Leo my 3 legged cat I took in as a stray kitten in need of a leg amputation
Lilly my 3 legged dog I adopted from a dog rescue already 3 legged.
Both are front leg amputees Leo the left, Lilly the right.
It truly is amazing how well they adapt, they both get along great and amaze me everyday.
This was our Christmas card this past year.
Yes they are all really wearing the hats no photoshop :)
I thought it would be fun for the feature to give you a little tour of our home....
The photo above is of the "Pommy Playroom" . This is the doggie proofed room in which my 4 Pomeranians stay in when home alone (otherwise they get into stuff!). They have lots of fun toys to play with and I also have a camera set up in this room that I can watch them from on my Iphone, yes I am very much a crazy dog lady! I won't even show their closet, because you will think I have lost my mind, but you may be able to find a pic on my blog somewhere :) Sidney & I both work somewhat opposite schedules which is a downer at times, but really works out good for the fur-babies, so they don't have to be home alone too often.
My Favorite room in my house I think is my bedroom
See what I mean about having a good man for sleeping in this bed with me?
My bed is probably a bit big for a small master ( it is a king size) but I need a big bed because all our cats & dogs sleep with us at night, its a pretty tight squeeze with everyone lol.
This is my master bathroom, which is also where the rabbits live.
I do not cage them they have free roam of the bathroom when home alone.
This is our guest room. I love this room but we rarely use it all, we pretty much never have over night company, since most of mine & Sidney's family is local. This is the room we will someday covert to a babies room when we get married and decided to have human kids.
My sweet babies.
Now heading downstairs......
This is the first room you see when you come in my front door. Also the first room you see coming down the stairs ( I am standing on the stairs while taking this picture). The toddler sized bed is for my fur-kids of course.
I love them so much!
Pretty boy Billie.
Here is my little kitchen, it looks so different then it did when we moved in. I have changed the floors, painted the cabinets and counter tops, yes painted counter tops. This is also an older picture I have since got all new appliances still white, but they have a some what retro look, but I have not got great pictures of them yet.
Cell phone pic with new appliances from the G.E Artistry line. I love them.
Spring time is my favorite time of year, I just love having fresh cut flowers they are like an all natural anti-depressant!
Here is my dining area right next to my kitchen
Which looks on to my living room.
Peonies are my absolute favorite flower, I have been trying to grow some in my yard, but my plants are still young and do not get a lot of blooms yet. Both my Grandma & Mother give me cut peonies out of their yards when they are in bloom, I love them they make me so happy ( both the flowers and my Mom & Grandma).
Here is my tiny half bathroom that is downstairs.
Okay now for my crazy obsessions
Vintage Mirrors!
I have quiet the collection. These mirrors I have mostly found at Goodwill's and other thrift shops. My Grandmother has also found a bunch of them at garage sales. My upstairs hallway and landing area has no windows, I love the way my mirror wall reflects light.
I hope you enjoyed meeting me and my furry family, as well as the tour of our home.
Feel free to pop by my blog anytime
Thank you so much again Kris for featuring me.
Love, Janae
Thank you Janae for doing Spotlight. It was so much fun to learn more about you and your handsome boyfriend and the furry kids. Your spotlight was so heartwarming. Now that you have gotten to know Janae please hop over to Susan's blog and meet Jen from City Farmhouse.
Have a Great Week End.
Have a Great Week End.