Hi Everyone.
Thought I would give all of you a little update on Cooper and our new Nest progress.
Cooper is doing so good. You would not know he has this aggressive cancer. He wakes everyday and plays and runs and just is a happy boy. I hope we get a lot more days like these with him.
All these pictures were taken with my cell phone so they are a little grainy. Hope to get my good camera out of the Moving Pod soon!!!
Here Cooper is with Frank my daughter's lab and Bruce the great dane in the background. The only other doggie missing in the pictures is my daughters Boston Terrier Charlie he is in the picture below. Frank and Cooper have bonded and play daily with each other. |
Cooper has put on 6lbs in the past month so we are so excited to see him gain some weight. We are spoiling him with good doggie food and lots of treats and an occasional treat of that happens to fall off my plate at dinner into his mouth lol! |
Our new Vet started Cooper on an anti cancer medication that gives pain relief and is an anti inflammatory. They have found this medication has helped a lot of dogs with Cooper's same cancer. It does not cure it but slows the growth and spread of the cancer. It works in 60% of the dogs given this medication. So we are hopeful this will work with Cooper and give us months instead of weeks with this little guy.
He is happy and so far not showing any signs of the cancer getting worse. So we will love him and spoil him for as long as we can.
Other News: We are 10 days away from taking possession of our new home. Terry and I are excited to get into the new place and start some decor magic. I hope to be posting the changes to the new place as we begin to change this place into our new sweet cottage.
So stay tuned for more posts to come on the reno's and changes.
Tomorrow I am taking a "Mental Health" day with a wonderful friend. We are going to take a road trip to HobKnob Market. It is out in the country and they have some really nice vendors. So we will pack the car with sweet and salty snacks and diet cokes and hit the road tomorrow. Hoping I can find some fun new things for the new nest. Have a great Mother's Day and Happy Week End everyone.
