Saturday Spotlight: Life Behind the Blogger is a feature done each Saturday that introduces you to a blogger you may already know or a new blogger for you to get to know. This feature gives you a peak into the personal life of the blogger. Getting to know the special person behind the beautiful blog.
There is so much talent and inspiration in blogland so enjoy getting to know these talented bloggers each Saturday.
Marie The Interior Frugalista
January 24th
This week I have a really fun blogger to introduce you too. Marie from The Interior Frugalista . You will love meeting this special DIYer and sweet and talented blogger. Marie is so warm and open that the first time you meet her you will feel like you have known her forever. Enjoy getting to know Marie. Have a wonderful week end.
Hello fellow readers of Junk Chic Cottage, my name is Marie Blackburn and I'm the blogger behind The Interior Frugalista. I was tickled pink when Kris emailed to say I made the popular Saturday Spotlight list. So many bloggers that I admire and look up to are on this list and so I feel honored to have been added!
Life Behind the Blogger, where shall I begin? Lets start with a mugshot of me and my side kick Darcy, a.k.a. Mr. Frugalista.
He and I have been a DIY duo since 1987. Money was tight and even tighter when kids came along but we both liked nice things. So we had two choices; live without or make it ourselves. Living without wasn't an option considering we're a couple of introverted home bodies who love to nest in cozy and nicely styled quarters. More about our humble abode later...
We are the proud parents of two grown children, our son Brandon and our daughter Victoria. They got those beautiful blue eyes from their Father!
We are anxiously awaiting the bird of our first grand baby in April. I can't wait to spoil him rotten!
We became empty nesters in 2014. I had always envisioned that stage in life to be where we'd be footloose and fancy free, eating Hagen Daz ice cream for supper, the house would remain spotless, and our days of worrying about the kids would be over. Ha!
Well eating ice cream for supper, especially at our age, is just asking for trouble and besides why eat in when you can dine out. I've gotten lazy with my housekeeping skills because heck who is going to see the mess. And as all of you with grown children can attest to, you never stop worrying about your kids!
Thankfully we have our feline side kick Rex to keep us company. If cats could talk this poor fella would probably say, "lady I know you're lonely but can you just leave me the heck alone".
Now that you've met my family let me tell you a bit about myself and my passion for all things DIY. I have been doing crafts and room makeovers since I was a child. I was the babysitter who sat at the table with the kids and made crafts. I am the eldest of seven children and growing up there was no such thing as having your own room so I shared it with a sister. My our room was my sanctuary and I loved spending weekends organizing and decorating (much to the chagrin of my sister). In high school I hated Home Economics Class (now I'm dating myself) and wanted to take Shop (not an option for girls in those days). As an adult I embraced my inner Susie Homemaker, put on that apron (of which I made myself), and taught myself how to sew.
Like I said earlier, my thriftiness came out of necessity. I think being thrifty is in my DNA as I come from a lineage of DIYers. Perhaps that's the reason I can't look at anything without imagining how or what I can transform it into, on a dime. Like this dresser for example...
It was part of my parent's first bedroom set and made it's way into our bedrooms growing up and then later passed down to my children. When our daughter needed a desk for doing homework her room wasn't large enough to accommodate a dresser and desk. We removed the top drawers and turned it into a pull out desk/faux secretary. When she no longer needed it I gave it a makeover with chalk paint for our guest room.
In our kitchen we were desperate for more storage, counter space and a spot to enjoy our morning coffee. Adding new cabinetry was not an option so we transformed our dining room china cabinet into this...

...and the bonus, we gained a small wine fridge! Speaking of the kitchen, it felt like we were preparing meals inside a wooden box. So with a few cans of paint and some elbow grease we were able to completely transform the room.
You can see our laundry room for under $500.00 HERE.
How we repurposed louvered bi-fold doors into a back yard privacy screen HERE.
One of my other passions is doing furniture makeovers. I get goosebumps when I rescue a great piece of furniture online, at a garage sale or thrift store and give it a brand new life. Here are a few of my pieces...
Two years ago when I was humming and hawing about starting a blog for the purpose of documenting our DIY projects for friends and family, the name came to me in a dream. I woke up so excited about the name that I grabbed a coffee, found a blog template and the rest is history!
I knew absolutely nothing about blogging. I'd never heard of SEO and html. Photography was pressing the camera button on my iPhone and hoping for the best. My lack of blogging skills became evident real quick when I started poking around the blogosphere. To say it's been a learning curve and a lot of work would be an understatement. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks!
I've never regretted hitting the publish button. Blogging has rocked my world and brought many blessings, friendships, and opportunities. One of the highlights was meeting Annie Sloan, my Chalk Paint Idol. So much fun!
So now that we're no longer strangers, I welcome you to grab a coffee and hop on over to The Interior Frugalista for a visit. I'd be even more thrilled if you introduced yourself and left me a note.
Thank you so much Kris for introducing me to your readers. It's been fun going down memory lane!
Thank you Marie. Loved having you here on Spotlight. Ok Bloggers after reading and getting to know Marie better you can see how fun and sweet and what a fantastic DIYer she is so hop over and introduce yourself to her.
Have a great Saturday.