Happy Blog Anniversary Give Away

Happy Sunday Everyone.
I am heading into my 3rd year of blogging.
Never in my widest dreams would I have thought I would still be doing this after 3 years.  It has been such a joy in my life and I have met so many wonderful blogger friends during this journey.

To share the LOVE, I am going to have a giveaway for my Blog Anniversary.

When I first started to blog over 2 years ago Gridley and Graves professional photographers approached me and said that the editor from Romantic Country would like them to come out and take pics of my home.

I was so thrilled and honored that they saw a few of my brand new posts and thought my home worthy of being in a magazine.

So the story began.  Gridley and Graves came out to Chicago land and spent 9 hours here setting up shots and taking pics of my home.  They told me I would be in an up coming Romantic Country Magazine.  

They left and I never heard anything more.  Then about 2 months ago Jan Soults Walker a writer for Romantic Country contacted me for an interview and told me my home would be coming out in the upcoming Summer issue of  Romantic County.

Wow I thought I have evolved and changed my decor so much since those pictures were taken over 2 years ago.   I thought this is going to be hard to do an interview based on pictures that have been changed and not even a part of my home for a long time.

Jan was so easy to talk too.    Jan did a great job capturing who I am and how I create and feel about my decor.  That is so nice to see the feature written so well and capturing my essence with decor.
So a big hug to you Jan.  Our time spent together during the interview was so much fun. :)

I did the interview and just kept in mind that this was how I started my decor and even if it has changed and evolved I am still proud of where I was in my decor at that time.  It is an honor to be featured.

Some of you that know me will see these pictures of my home and say "wait a minute her house does not even look like that" but it is all good it was where I was and what I loved at that time.

Fifi O'Neal is the Editor now of Romantic Country and I love that she picked my signature bike to be in her opening editor's letter.  Very honored and Thank you Fifi for this wonderful opportunity.

Now on to the Giveaway celebration.

To celebrate going into my 3rd year I want to offer up a copy of this lovely magazine  and some sweet treats to enjoy while you relax and enjoy paging through this magazine.

Every girl needs a pink Cadillac or two right!!!!  These pink cadillac candies are fun and delish.  The shortbread cookies and a cup of coffee or tea will be so good to curl up and enjoy too.

All you have to do to have a chance to win is to leave me a comment.  That's it easy peasy.

I so appreciate all the wonderful friends I have meet in these few years of blogging.  All of you have been so kind and wonderful and I have learned so much.  

Have a wonderful Sunday and please enjoy the beginning of the new week.


  1. Congratulations, Kris!!! Even though your home has evolved over the past few years, each phase was magazine worthy, so I know your feature will be spectacular. It's always uplifting to visit your blog and to be inspired by your creativity. Thanks so much for the giveaway and have a wonderful day!

  2. Woohoo ! Congratulations on the feature and the Blogaversary. 3 wonderful years of watching you do what you do! Here's to many more.
    BIG hugs, Gee

  3. Oh what an honour Kris!!
    Even if its two years ago!
    Your home has always looked amazing to me. and Magazine worthy!
    Here's to another 3 years!!

  4. I'm so excited for you Kris!!! Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary and your debut in Romantic Country. I can't think of a lovelier person than you to be featured.

    I'm looking forward to picking up my copy.


  5. Yay Kris!!! How totally exciting this is. And congratulations on starting your third year of blogging. What an adventure it's been!
    Big hugs,

  6. Kris, I was so pleased to see this feature, and congrats on your 3rd anniversary of blogging.

  7. Congratulations on the feature and on your 3rd anniversary of blogging!!!

  8. Kris, I LOVE this and LOVE you---please don't enter me though- I have won one of your giveaways already.

    The thing is that even though your decor has changed it is still uniquely you...and the you that you were at that point. You just have a certain flair that shows up in everything you do. What fun to have this and to pass along to your little granddaughter someday..She'll say, "Look at this-my grandmother was in a magazine!". xo Diana

  9. Congratulations Kris! It is a feature well deserved. I think that it is a testimony to your "art" that your home has evolved and changed. It was lovely then and equally as lovely now. Enjoy your feature and Happy Anniversary! :)

  10. Happy blog anniversary!!!! What a fabulous giveaway you're offering. I'm so happy for you to be published in a magazine. You so deserve it. This comes a great time for you. I can't wait to see your article and pictures!

  11. Kris,
    Congrats on the feature and your anniversary!!! Looking forward to seeing the magazine. I have a dear friend that will be in Chicago this week and wants to some junkin'...can you e-mail me a list of places that you like to junk at?


  12. Isn't it a blast to always being able to re-invent yourself? I believe it keeps us healthy and growing. My home has had so many changes. But I believe I have finally found my true inner self. I am a bit funky n whimsical and so is my little funky farmhouse. THANKS for sharing and paying forward!! XOXO Love Fran.

  13. Happy blog anniversary and congratulations! That is amazing that you heard nothing for two years but were on the radar all along and how fun to take that walk down memory lane.

  14. Kris, congrats! I'm so glad that your gorgeous home got published in this fab mag! Even though your home looks different now, it's still a fantastic spread and an honor! (You don't have to enter me in your giveaway as I have this issue-although those shortbread cookies look amazing :)

  15. I love the bike photo so much...glad that Fifi choose it. Congrats on your feature! Pink Cadillacs? I need to know what flavor they are. My fav gummies are grapefruit and they seem like they might be grapefruit. ;) Love your sweet giveaway...the winner will definitely enjoy the goodies! xo, T.

  16. Oh that's wonderful!!! I'm sure your feature will be lovely! Congrats on your Blogaversray! ;) You're one of my faves! This is sunsuch a sweet giveaway! "Merci" for the chance to win! ;)

  17. Oh that's wonderful!!! I'm sure your feature will be lovely! Congrats on your Blogaversray! ;) You're one of my faves! This is sunsuch a sweet giveaway! "Merci" for the chance to win! ;)

  18. Happy 3rd blog anniversary Kris. I'm excited for you and I look forward to seeing your feature of years past decor. Personally I believe it will be delightful to see where your creative energy started in your home and evolved into your self expression that from the beginning of Junk Chic Cottage resonated with so many followers in Blogland. Your extremely popular blog and creativity is what excites us, so to see what was to what is now will be fun. Maybe when the magazine comes out you can take your favorite room and show before and after pictures as you filled your cottage with new energy and collected treasures. Oh I can see some fun blog posts with you doing this. I love and adore your blog and always find it refreshing that you continually enhance your decor to reflect what inspires you.
    Sending love your way,

  19. I really hope you will scan the photos in the magazine of before and put it next to now photos. I know I'd enjoy seeing that.
    OK have a wonderful Sunday, we're headed out the door for our adventure!

  20. One more thought Kris if you do run this ss a few blog posts can you pretty please take photos of some pieces that you and Terry altered and refreshed from what they were when you started blogging. OK seriously, I'm leaving now ;-)
    You rock!

  21. Kris, Please sign me up. I have enjoyed seeing you change things up. It's been beautiful before and after. I missed you at Horton's yesterday. :) Just want you to know I thought of you. Actually I spoke with Mrs. Horton's mom about you. She was serving the fudge. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  22. Oh wow, I am so thrilled for you. Congratulations

  23. Congrats Kris! Love it and happy blogiversay!

  24. How wonderful for you to be in that magazine, that is just awesome!

  25. Congratualtions..I love receiving your newsletter in my inbox..love your style, been following for a while not as long as you have been blogging but I'm so happy that I found you! Keep up the great work…I love it!

  26. Congratulations. I still remember your home back then so it will be fun to see it again. Thank you for the Giveaway opportunity. xxo

  27. I have been following you from the beginning. I enjoy your blog so much. How generous of you. Have a wonderful day!

  28. Awesome, Kris. Congratulations! xo ~ Nancy

  29. What an exciting an honor for you! It looks like your home is dreamy and worthy of gracing the pages of this magazine!


  30. Hi Kris - how exciting to see your home represented in such a great magazine! You will forever have a lovely record of what you loved when you first started your decorating and blogging adventure.You have been such an inspiration to me; I can't wait to see the article! xo jonni

  31. This is so fabulous Kris and comes at a great time when you need something wonderful in your life, I'm sure!! Congratulations and lovely giveaway!
    Mary Alice

  32. How wonderful and exciting for you! I adore your style then and now,Congratulations!!

  33. Hello Kris... Happy Sunday and Happy Spring to you... and congratulations on your feature in Romantic Country and also your blog anniversary!... I just bought my new RC and can't wait to see your feature... I have been blogging almost 7 years now and it seems like just yesterday I did my first post!... please do not enter me in your generous giveaway, I have been the lucky recipient of your giveaways before, Merci!... xoxo... Julie Marie

  34. Happy Bloging Anniversary! You have a beautiful blog I so enjoy visiting and seeing your posts. Congratuflations on being a feature in Romantic Country...

  35. Kris, It's so exciting to see changes then and now that have lead to the beauty that lead us down this path of designs and blogging with you in it. I am so looking forward to the spring issue, Fifi and Mark are the best to work with such dolls they are.
    This is the begining of so many new things for you, and better yet for us as well.

    See you and the new issue of Romantic Country soon.


  36. How very exciting to have reached this milestone! And, the magazine feature is great too!!! No matter how much your decor style has evolved, your style has always been eye catching and gorgeous!! Congrats on your blogiversary!!!! Blessings, Cindy

  37. Kris, Congrats on your three years of blogging and your home being featured in Romantic Country. What a well deserved honor!

  38. how exciting to be featured in romantic homes. congrats to another chicagoland blogger!

  39. How exciting for you - congratulations! I would love to read the magazine & see your article so enter me please.

  40. Well I have said it over and over ... your decorating talent is phenomenal and just so calming and beautiful. You deserve to be in more magazines in my opinion. Enjoy your blogiversary Kris.

  41. Happy Anniversary Kris and congratulations on your magazine publication. What a wonderful achievement. x Julie

  42. Congrats on your feature, Kris! I bet you are walking in the clouds still! I was so excited to see your spread when my issue arrived the other day! I adore your home, and your chalkboard is so neat! I wish you could come to my house and help me redecorate:) I am so happy for you, you are so deserving. I love how you said you and your hubby rescued things from old cottages that were being renovated or torn down. If you happen to draw my name, you can go ahead and put it back in and give someone else a try, as I already subscribe. Happy blogaversary, too!!

  43. Congrats! I love your blog. You have inspired me so much.....Thank you!

  44. Congratulations Kris, I am so happy for you. I have always loved everything that you do. Don't enter me in your drawing as I already won one of your giveaways, which I love and use all the time - the great tote.
    I'm off to work in the garden and show off what's new since my last post. Everything is going CRAZY around here. Amazing what a little chicken manure will do.
    Have a wonderful week and I hope Terry's job came through.

  45. How absolutely wonderful and well deserved!!! Congratulations, my sweet friend! I'm thrilled for you! :) I actually think it's kind of neat to look back at old blog pics to see where I was decor-wise at that point in my life. Your home is always so pretty and you have such a good eye for decorating. Congrats again!

  46. Thank you, Kris, for the give-away. Congratulations on your feature too!

  47. Happy 3rd Blog Birthday!!! Nice giveaway to celebrate...however, I get that magazine, so you don't need to enter my name. I certainly enjoy seeing how you have created your Home Sweet Home.

  48. Your fantastic home in a fantastic magazine. Couldn't get any better than that!

  49. Congrats Kris on your 3 year anniversary. I love your blog and your beautiful home. Thank you for the giveaway.

  50. Congratulations on your anniversary. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  51. Congratulations Kris! Can't wait to see your home in the magazine. So well deserved. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  52. How wonderful, Kris! I can't wait to see it! And congratulations on your blogging milestone, too!

  53. Congratulations on your blogaversary, Kris! How exciting - this is one of my favorite magazines, too. I can't wait to see you in it. I've been looking for a new issue, too, but haven't seen one yet.

  54. Wow! It's already been three years of blogging for you...time flies. Also congrats on your magazine feature. I'll have to look for it next time I'm out and about♥


  55. Yippee for you! What a great accomplishment.
    Thank you for the chance to win. :-))

  56. Woo Hoo!....Congrats,congrats Kris!....congrats on the feature and congrats on your blogaversary.....Glad you had a great experience with your writer too!...Going to get a copy of the magazine tomorrow!!!

  57. Kris, Congratulations on your 3 year blogging anniversary! I enjoy reading your posts and love ypur ever changing decor. What an honor to be featured in such a wonderful magazine even though it was a couple years later.

  58. I just found your blog not long ago.. Wow what a treat! Congratulations on 3 years of blogging!!!

  59. You have inspired so many with your lovely home and your sweeeeeeet heart! Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us. Here's to many more years with your wonderful blogging adventures!

  60. Congrats on your feature...and happy 3 years of blogging!!

  61. How neat to be in magazine, you deserve it for your home is lovely!

  62. Happy Anniversary! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. You are an inspiration! And congrats on the magazine feature.

  63. Congratulations Kris, I am so happy for you! Happy Anniversary!

  64. I am so happy that your home is being published! You have a wonderful eye for design. Love the pink Cadillacs! How fun!

  65. Congratulations Kris! I love the bike! That's what made me stop by the first time and I'm so glad I did! I love every season of decor your home has gone through. You and your husband are a great team and I'm always amazed at what you guys come up with. So much talent and determination. Happy blog anniversary! Here's to YOU! And to many more magazine opportunities! You deserve it!

  66. Happy, happy anniversary! So happy for you. Cannot wait to see the magazine!

  67. Thank you for your blog, it is such a joy to read and gives me inspiration. I have gotten so many ideas on howmto redo different things/different rooms....Thank you!

  68. Congratulations! Love your blog and home, I love the magazine too! Hope you have many more wonderful years of blogging and creating.
    Many Blessings to you

  69. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! It must have been so incredibly exciting to see your home in Print. May you continue to blog successfully for many years to come!!!

  70. Wow Congrats Kris on the feature of your lovely house in the magazine. What an honor! I Loved the way your house looked then and now. Congrats on 3 years blogging and what an accomplishmentp. I'm so glad we met through blogging and love yiour blog! Here is to many more years of happiness and success blogging!
    Julie xo

  71. Congratulations on 3 Years Blogging! and The magazine!!!! What an honor!!!I have been a follower for quite a while now and have loved how your style has evolved!!!

  72. Congratulations! It must be such a pleasure to have your ideas and creativity validated by publication in a beautiful article in a wonderful magazine. I would love a copy. Thanks so much.

  73. Congrats on the anniversary and on the magazine feature, Kris. Not only are you an amazingly creative artist and blogger, you are an incredible human being. Thank you for welcoming me to this blogging world with open arms and always inspiring!

  74. Kris, this is wonderful ~ congratulations! You are so deserving my friend. Can't wait to see the article and yes, I LOVE shortbread! :)


  75. Congratulations! It must feel amazing to see your own beautiful home in a magazine. It certainly is magazine worthy!

  76. Hi Kris,
    How exciting that they have finally brought to fruition your decorating even if it was a few years ago. What an honor and thrill..........
    I was reading back then, and remember those photos too. Your decorating is growing as you grow and change which is great for us
    readers too.........but it was all beautiful back then and now.
    I am assuming you haven't gotten my comments since I haven't heard from you. It is still coming up no reply blogger so I sent
    a few anyway just to see if they got thru, so decided I guess I need to go back to the old way..........lol
    Would love to be entered in your give away, and I have never had or heard of a pink cadillac, sounds intriguing and fun!! lol

    Congratulations hon on your being featured in Romantic Country magazine. Happy for you!!

    Blessings, Nellie

  77. Oh yea, and Happy 3 year Blogaversary............
    Thanks for being a blessings and inspiration to all of us.

  78. Congrats on your 3rd blog anniversary!

  79. That is so awesome Kris - congratulations!!! Very impressive that within a few months of blogging you were approached by a magazine. A testament to your impressive decorating talents! Well deserved :)
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  80. I keep telling you Kris you're headed for the " big time "
    I remember that bike photo ( I think it's when I first discovered you )!
    Gorgeous photos - gorgeous home - congratulations girlfriend ♥

  81. Good Morning...I come to your blog for my daily inspiration of *awesome*....congrats. on # 3 !! Cheers, Valerie :)

  82. Happy blogaversary and congrats on getting published...can't wait to see what the next 3 years bring!

  83. Hi Kris,
    Happy Happy Anniversary!! 3 years, how fun. You must be so excited about the magazine and just floating on a cloud. I would be. Your house is so beautiful, whether it be 3 years ago or now. I adore everything you do in your home.

  84. congratulations. Just love your site and all that you and you husband do to your home. Its just so beautiful.

  85. Kris -- what an honor! Love your style. Happy blogoversary. What a nice giveaway.

  86. Kris -- what an honor! Love your style. Happy blogoversary. What a nice giveaway.

  87. Kris -- what an honor! Love your style. Happy blogoversary. What a nice giveaway.

  88. I love the way it looked back then also. Happy Anniversary to you and congratulations!

  89. Congratulations on your feature and Happy Anniversary!

  90. Happy Anniversary Kris and a huge congrats on the feature. That's so exciting! You have great style now and you had great style then.

  91. I love their magazine can't wait to see your home in it!! Your blog is always so much fun for me! Happy anniversary!

  92. Happy Anniversary Kris! I look forward to reading your blog for many years to come. Thank you for the inspiration :)

  93. Happy anniversary! I'm so happy I found your blog. I look forward every day to see what you have posted in my mailbox. So much inspiration. Thaks!!

  94. Happy Anniversary. How exciting and deserved. I'd love to win.


  95. Happy Anniversary Kris!!! I am so thrilled for you...you totally deserve the honor!!!
    Should would love to win too!
    XO Barbara

  96. Congratulations Kris!! I am not one bit surprised that your home is featured. It is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  97. Happy Anniversary. I am new-ish to your blog, but I love your chippy decor and I'm constantly sharing and talking up your blog. I get excited every time I check my email and see your most recent post. My husband and I are currently saving for our 1st home, but he already knows that I plan to use some of your gorgeous ideas in our home.

  98. You so deserve this honour, Kris. I am going out to buy this issue when it comes out. It will be a keepsake for me for sure.
    I can say, "Look, my friend is published!"

  99. Congrats! What a wonderful honor. Thank you for the chance to win a prize also.

  100. Many congratulations Kris! From the things I have seen, your interior design skills are timeless so no wonder you are featured this far into the future. Congratulations on your third blogging anniversary too, I am coming up to 3 in June and I too can't believe I am still writing :-) Have a wonderful evening xx

  101. Congratulations on being published in the Spring issue and three years of blogging!!! I would love to win a copy of that issue! Thanks for letting me enter the contest. Nancy

  102. Dear Kris, you are my idol! Because of the way that you home looked a few years back is what inspired me to become a blogger a year ago. I remember thinking I would really like a home like this and I wanted to know more about you and what makes your decorating mind tick. You have been so helpful and amazingly kind to help me with my new blog and get me started. I'm sure that many of us have used you and your blog for inspiration. I think that you have started a revival in decorating! lol I was so happy to see you in the magazine and been able to wittiness that many changes that have come about in your home over the last few years. Never quit my dear friend you always lighten up my day with your posts. Have a great day! Hugs, Jo

  103. Congratulations Kris! Happy blog-anniversary as well. Your feature looks amazing from these photos - can't wait to receive my issue in the mail (I subscribe to RC). Better late than never for you - even though your house has changed, your style is still amazing, unique and recognizable off the bat! I'm so happy to be sharing pages in this very same issue with you. Now if only the postman would bring me my copy!
    Don't count me in the giveaway since I'll already get one, and best of luck to everyone else! xoxo

  104. Congrats on being featured in the magazine ! So happy for you!
    Cathy Thompson

  105. Congratulations Kris on your BLOG anniversary and for FINALLY having your home published in a magazine! It's about time. ROMANTIC COUNTRY just happens to be my favorite magazine and now my favorite BLOGGER is in it! Too cool!! Love it!

  106. Congratulations thats wonderful u were in the magazine I could only dream of ever being in one

  107. Congratulations on the magazine and Happy Anniversary on your blog! I can't believe it took them that long to feature your beautiful home. Can't wait to see it!


  108. What a Wonderful Tribute to your Decorating Talents to be in this Magazine.
    Whenever I get an email from your Blog I wait until I can sit quietly with a cup of coffee and savor every word and photo that you share with
    You are my Highlight of the week !!

  109. Congrats Kris! I can't wait to see the article. Your home has changed, but everything you do is gorgeous! Don't include me in your give away drawing because you were so sweet and sent me your last give away. I will certainly be buying the magazine!

  110. congratulations on the magazine article. I will definitely be picking up the magazine as soon as it hits the market. I have trouble with editing out my magazines...but I am sure the one featuring your home will never leave my home and will be one that I read over and over again. Your blog is the only one that I visit more than once a week. Your always doing and featuring a new project so it is sure to keep me entertained. Again congratulations and much deserved

  111. Congrats on being in the magazine, I'm going to have a look for it on the newstands here, hopefully I can find it. No matter how you have changed your decor, or tastes...your essence will always be there. And that bike...sweet love!


  112. Oh...sounds so incredible! I would love to curl up and have a read! Thank you for the giveaway! Leticia

  113. oh, what a wonderful publication to be in! love romantic country, kris! a big congrats to you and all of your hard work! thanks for the great chance:)

  114. Now why does this not surprise me? I hope you know how much you've inspired me and so many others from the very first time we saw your beautiful home...then and now! Congratulations to you and I hope you have many more magazine features! I will have to get a copy so I can drool without getting on Pinterest, lol!

  115. Congrats on the feature :) I will have to look for that magazine!I am sure your house looked beautiful back then too!!

  116. Oh, girl you have been keeping a secret. I am so glad they published you and must find a copy. Congrats!!!

  117. Though your tastes have evolved, they were beautiful then and are beautiful now! Thank you for sharing, what a dream come true for ANY blogger!!! XOXO! ;)

  118. Love Romantic Country Magazine and your home Kris. Well-deserved, I am very happy for you! Can't wait to get my copy.

  119. Hi Kris! This is so cool! Congrats on having your gorgeous home featured! Even if the pictures are a couple of years old, it will be a great keepsake for you to remember how things used to look and for us fans and readers too! Having read all of your posts and admired all of your pictures, it's almost like I have seen your house in person, so I'll notice the changes (makes me feel like a décor stalker) LOL! Congrats on your blogiversary too! I'm so glad that we found each other! Hugs, Leena

  120. Congrats on the fantastic feature!! Your home was every bit as magazine worthy then as it is now. What a lovely way to celebrate your third anniversary in blogland!

