Thank You

Happy New Week.  Hope all your decorating, shopping, baking and preparing for Santa's big day is fun and going great.
Right in the middle of an ordinary day I got a special package in the mail.  Yep! made my whole day and I want to share this with all of you.

As most of you know we adopted Cooper our Basset Hound from a rescue in Ohio back in April of this year.  Shortly after bringing him home we found out Cooper had a very aggressive non curable cancer.  We were devastated to say the least.  We were given the sad news that this kind of cancer is very aggressive and little Coop would probably only have weeks to maybe a few months.  Together with our caring Vet we came up with an experimental treatment that would not cure the cancer but give Cooper a little more time with us.  We were on board.  You can read  Cooper's story here

We are going on month 8 with this guy and he is officially in remission.  Together with the new medication and lots of love and prayer our little guy is hanging in there with us.

This is my favorite picture of Cooper.  This was his smiling face when we put him in the car to drive the 5 hour trip home from Ohio to Chicago.  He smiled the whole way!!!!

Now on to the big hug and thank you part of this post.

Cecilia is a blogging friend over at the b farm blog.  Cecilia is a artist and creator of all things beautiful.  She has a shop called TinRoof Studio that you can visit to see all her pretty creations.

She took this picture of Cooper and painted a personal portrait of Cooper for us to treasure.

Thank you sweet Cecilia I will treasure this forever.  Blogland brings the most beautiful angels into our lives.  Touching gifts like this from a blogging friend I have never met makes my heart sing.  Life can be so full of wonderful blessing.

Enjoy this great new week and getting ready for the holidays.  I have been not getting too much sleep with getting on my Ipad in bed at night and touring all the wonderful Christmas Home Tours.  So much beautiful decor out there this year for Christmas.

I am working on getting my decor home tour post done this week.  Stay tuned!

Have a great week.


  1. You are very welcome, Kris! It was my pleasure to paint your fur baby! He has the sweetest face and his story touched my heart. Thank you for the shout out, too. You're very sweet!

    1. Cecilia, you are very talented and generous!

  2. What a wonderful gift. So glad to hear that Cooper is doing well XO Laura

  3. What a wonderful gift. So glad to hear that Cooper is doing well XO Laura

  4. What a wonderful painting, Kris! That's such a fantastic and thoughtful gift from Cecilia! I'm very happy to hear the good news about your sweet little boy. :)
    Have a great day!

  5. Fabulous gift ~ fabulous dog!! Cuddles, Cooper ~

  6. What a wonderful picture of Cooper...he is just adorable.. Thank for your sweet words on upstairs..but we know it won't really look good until it finished.

  7. Aw, what a thoughtful gift! I know you will treasure it forever. Cooper is the sweetest! I love his smile in the car! What a blessing he's in remission.

  8. That is awesome. There are some great folks in blogland. xoxo

  9. So happy your sweet Cooper is in remission. Love his portrait. . .Cecilia is very talented. xo

  10. What a wonderful painting and gift! Cooper is so lovely
    Hugs Alessandra

  11. Oh! I love it so much! I bought one of her paintings and I smile every time I walk by it.
    Sweet Coop...who in the world could resist him???
    Put that iPad down, young lady! You need some sleep! ;)
    xoxo, T.

  12. What a sweet and thoughtful gift. And such a cute pup.

  13. Oh, that little face - I just adore your sweet Cooper and I am so happy to hear he's in remission - what a blessing and a true Christmas miracle!! What a sweet friend Cecilia is, and oh my, so talented!! Give that sweet Cooper a big stinky kiss from my furbabies!! xo

  14. Kris, I'm so happy to hear about Cooper. What a handsome fellow he is and I love his portrait. Hope you enjoy many more wonderful years with him.


  15. Oh, Kris. What a sweet surprise. A treasure for sure and I'm so glad the news is staying promising for that sweet little guy..Happy Holidays..xxoJudy

  16. Oh, the gift is precious and so is Cooper! I finally stopped taking my laptop to the bedroom. I shut things down around 5-6 p.m. and read at night. Otherwise it hampers sleep.

  17. Seriously, this brought me to tears. Cecilia, what a selfless thing to do for Kris & Terry! Kris, ♥♥!

  18. What a beautiful painting and a beautiful gesture on Cecila's part, Kris. This is exactly what I love about blogging!!

  19. Oh Kris, I have tears just reading that Cooper is in remission. I pray for him every night. I just knew he was going to get through this.

    The pictures is beautiful and I know you will always treasure it.

    Your are so right, I have met some wonderful people in Blog land and I am going to come to Chicago and met you one of these days.

    Have a great week.

    Hugs dear friend and give Cooper a big hug from Waldo, Lili and me.


  20. Beautiful, she did a lovely job. You are so right, blogging buddies help make the crazy of this world disappear for awhile. :-)

    I still just love how Cooper partied with you girls.
    xx oo

  21. What a precious and beautiful gift of kindness. Kris we are all hoping for a very long remission for sweet cute Cooper. He is in a loving home with excellent doggie parents and he has a fan club for sure, he is a happy smiling cutie pie.

  22. Love the picture of sweet Coop. The picture is a wonderful gift to keep for all time. So happy the little guy is remission. Blessings abound.

  23. Good Morning Kris
    That picture of Sweet Cooper is priceless, he is so adorable and that was so amazing that your friend painted that. You are blessed

  24. Hey Kris, that painting is so sweet! Cecilia is very talented and so thoughtful to create this for you and your family to cherish. Glad to hear that Cooper is doing so well and enjoying his wonderful life of being loved and spoiled ☺

  25. Hey Kris, that painting is so sweet! Cecilia is very talented and so thoughtful to create this for you and your family to cherish. Glad to hear that Cooper is doing so well and enjoying his wonderful life of being loved and spoiled ☺

  26. Awww, I love the painting of Cooper! So happy he is doing well. He looks like he should say something...I always think our Chis should talk... xoxo

  27. Yes I love sweet Cooper also even though never seen him in person. I can tell he is a sweet dog who appreciates his new owners.
    I visited a sweet dog Tuesday who was also adopted a sweet little Beagle and I thought of Cooper.
    I am sure your house is over the top with white shabby Christmas decorations
    I don't have my tree up yet hopefully tomorrow evening I can be home and get it done.

  28. Your love for Cooper is what sustains him, for sure! The painting is surely something to treasure! Blog friends are amazing!

  29. That looks exactly like your sweet Cooper! What a nice surprise that must have been! The generosity in blogland amazes me. :)

  30. What a sweet surprise from another of your blog friends, Kris! The portrait is an amazing likeness of Cooper!

  31. You have such wonderful friends. Very talented, looks just like sweet Cooper


  32. What a lovely gift and touching as well. Bless you all.

  33. Love the gift! So glad the little guy is doing well. Take care. Maria

  34. What a beautiful gift - the painting and the gift of remission. This made me smile this morning as I sip my morning coffee. Looking forward to the tour, Kris!

  35. Cecilia is such a talented and kind hearted blogger whom I've known since I started blogging over four years ago. It doesn't surprise me one bit that she created this for you and your precious Cooper! He's such a love, and I hope he lives pain free for many years to come. Love is a powerful healer, and I believe you're giving him the will to live.


  36. At first my heart stopped so I am thrilled to hear the great news about Cooper. What a lovely gift. Cecilia is so talented, fantastic painting of Cooper.

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