One Room Three Uses

Happy Monday.

I have been learning that when you downsize into a tiny cottage home you must be resourceful and creative with the spaces you have.

This is a two bedroom home.  That left me with our Master Bedroom and I needed an office, guest room and since the bathroom was so small a make up area.  So to solve the problem of needing three more rooms,  I just made one room work 3 ways.

I took my one and only extra bedroom space and made it into my guest room, makeup area and office space.

When you walk into this room I have a twin guest room bed.  I would have loved a queen bed for a guest room but living tiny did not allow for that.  I do have the twin bed if I have a guest stay over.

Most of my family live here so on holiday's we do not need an overnight guest spot.  My mom would probably be the only one that might sleep overnight and this bed works great for her.

I hung my sweet garden angel picture over the bed in this room.  My chippy arched window works well for a headboard.

I made this corner of the room my makeup table.  In 1949 when this house was built they did not think of large bathrooms with long counters, double sinks and make up areas.  I made one for myself in the corner of this room.

I hung my chandelier over the mirror area and have this cute little make up table with a wide drawer area for all my makeup.

I have these vintage chippy white hooks hung for my necklaces.  My sweet friend gifted me that Angel friendship sign so I hung this near my morning make up table.

I created a office space in this room too.

I have my vintage office bins hung on an old curtain rod for all those odds and end things.

I have my sweet chicken wire mannequin made on an old 1934 Chicago Hilton iron valet.

I have my Madonna's on my desk.

They give me peace.

Of course I have my sweet Grace angel guarding all the throws.  Another angel that gives me peace and makes me smile each day.

Now that we are living large in a tiny home I have been trying to be creative and utilize every inch of living space.  So this small bedroom is now 3 rooms in one.

As we head on down towards Thanksgiving I want to wish each and everyone of you many blessings on this special day.  I hope that your tables will be surrounded with loved ones.


Happy Thanksgiving.

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  1. Kris, this is so smart and so beautiful! You really do have the best ideas that we can all learn from.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Terry! I hope you enjoy every moment in your new cottage.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! It looks really pretty! When your grandkids get bigger for a sleepover, you could build a trundle and place a thinner IKEA mattress on it, and it would probably go under. xoxo Su

  3. Oh it would be heavenly to be a guest in your home and sleep in that lovely room :)
    I'm having a Give-A-Way, come visit and put your name in the hat.
    Connie :)

  4. Kris, You have made that room look so adorable and welcoming. I love the make up corner. So good to have the drawer to hide every thing too. Just love it. I will be with my girls and their families, on thanksgiving day. I am praying you and Terry get to be with all your loved ones too. Blessings, love, xoxo, Susie

  5. You are so clever! I love the way the room has several uses. My guest room is my office too, or will be. We have so much company coming over the next few weeks, I am currently using the kitchen table as my office, so I don't have to keep moving everything out of the guest room. Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Super cute, Kris!! I'm sure any guests would be delighted to sleep in such a peaceful, sweet space! Happy Thanksgiving to you, enjoy it in your new home!

  7. Great use of space, Kris! Looks beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, my friend!!

  8. You have found great ways to make use of your smaller space and it looks so good.

  9. Wow, Kris...this room is AH-dorable. I love love L*O*V*E your desk! Is this where you blog? I love it!!!! Your vanity is so cute, too.

    Happy Thanksgiving, My Sweet Friend!


  10. You've done such a great job making it all work! Your makeup area with the chandy above is just right for that space. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! xoxo

  11. You did a great job, Kris. You have certainly worked wonders in the space you have there. Terrific use of the small spaces and it lives large! Have a great Thanksgiving Day- xo Diana

  12. You're truly getting the hang of this small space living stuff, Kris! Great job!

  13. Great use of space and so adorable to boot! Another idea for a bed would be a trundle bed. That's what I'm searching for now. Love your guest room!

  14. It all work well together! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  15. Brilliant! And oh my do I love the cover on that beautiful bed! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  16. It looks wonderful and you are so creative. Your small cottage looks terrific.

    Wishing you and yours a most wonderful Thanksgiving.


  17. Hello my friend! Well done. That's what I did with my studio, making the CLOSET where I type, and having a settee in here that can be a place where someone sleeps. It's fun to have a limited amount of space to see what we can come up with to solve the issues. LOVE YOUR STYLE! Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Kris, you have done your magic once again. Your room is perfect in each and every way and beyond beautiful too.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B.

  19. You have done a wonderful job in creating this 3-in-one space, it is so pretty and peaceful.

    Happy Thanksgiving week ~ FlowerLady

  20. Hi Kris,
    Not only do I find great pleasure in watching you whip your magic in your new cottage, but I also love seeing how you are managing with the lesser space. It's really looking great, and that space is used perfectly. My local Panoply sister has a big house, and she ends up being the local bed & breakfast for anybody and everybody (family) who comes to town, and it's really a hard thing to handle (both the company and the big house). I love how you're handling downsizing. I also love watching what you've chosen to bring with you and use. Did you purge a lot before the move (personal decor)? Or do you have a stash somewhere and rotate? I'm really curious. I think that would be harder to do than the big furniture stuff.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be grateful for, but I am especially thankful for my circle of virtual friends like you! I still hope someday, somehow we'll meet in person.

  21. Good Morning Kris
    Oh how I love what you did to your extra room. You were really being creative in that space and I love it. The sweet bed is perfect. Love the pillow and bedspread. Your make up area is so pretty. I have a little area like that also in the corner of my bedroom since our bathrooms are so tiny. Such a sweet space for you. And the office area is also sweet. Love how you decorated all your new spaces. I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful Kris. Enjoy your new home and your beautiful family

  22. I know what a challenge it can be to create multi use spaces in a smaller house and you've managed to do it with your usual flair, Kris. You've got a nice quiet space to blog and a well lit corner to put on your makeup as well as a bed for overnight guests. Perfect! And best of all, you've found places for your treasured chippy pieces and angels. A lovely room. :o)

    I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!


  23. Kris,
    This is all so beautiful! I love how you utilized one room for all three purposes!! I love all of your angels,and the angel saying. (happens to be one of my favorites) The bins hanging on the rod is such a clever idea. Enjoy! So lovely! Happy Thanksgiving! xx

  24. This three-in-one room is adorable! So many cute details...I need to look at the pictures again so I don't miss anything. You use meaningful pieces and that makes the room perfect. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! xoxo

  25. such a pretty room, Kris. you've come up with a smart way to use your spaces. When I was growing up, everyone had a vanity and used it! have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  26. Very creative Kris and very beautiful! I know the constraints of tiny living all too well. I would love an extra room to use as an office or craft room and a bathroom that two people could stand in together would be a dream. I definitely traded space for charm. Happy Thanksgiving my friend. xoxo

  27. You did a wonderful job! It looks great! Can I ask about the chandelier? Is it a plug in? I can't tell from the picture. Is it old or new. Thanks Kris!

    1. Hi Betty it is an old chandelier. I had Terry make it a plug in so we did not have to go up into the attic to have it wired there.
      He just took an extension cord and made it into a plug in. Hope that helps.

  28. So, so beautiful.. brilliant , stunning...

    1. Krishna,
      I hope you come back to see this since I do not have an email for you. I always appreciate your visits and your sweet comments. Thank you for being a fan of my decor.

  29. This is a lovely space, Kris! I love the view looking into the room at the twin lovely!
    One thing that we have found can add to occasional sleeping space in a small room, is using a trundle under a twin. Keeps the room spacious until you need it.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Kris!

  30. Wow.. now that is a great use of space! I LOVE your chicken wire beauty! All you need to add is a white dog bed and it can be a Peggy Admiring Room too! ;)

  31. Ohh...this bedroom is very cozy. I love the romantic bed and the pretty office space
    Hugs Alessandra

  32. You made it work, Kris! Love all the chippy touches in each area of the room. Very nice use of your available space! :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  33. Love your touches in this room. The angel photo over the bed is so calming.

    Clever makeup area and nice way to use a chandelier. What woman doesn't love them

    Your office area is pretty too with the choppy piece over the desk.

    Happy Thanksgiving


  34. Kris, this is just gorgeous! You have created such a beautiful space to work for you. Wish I was a guest right this minute!
    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  35. You did a wonderful job at putting it all together!! So lovely and peaceful.

  36. You did a great job making this room work for all your needs, Kris. It's beautiful and I'm sure your guests will feel comfortable in this serene space.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Terry and Peggy!

  37. great creative use of space. The day in which we celebrate our thankfulness for our family and other blessings does not need to be a specific day. My side of the family also is loaded with nurses and a few police officers. So we too have opted to celebrate on other days. Bonus was that it freed us of the doing the every other year thing with the inlaws. The actual holiday was always an option with them. Blessings wished for you and your family.

  38. I LOVE your multi-purpose room! So many of your sweet touches are there and your darling angels and chippy pieces. I'm swooning for sure! In our little 3 bedroom house, my multi-purpose room is also for crafting, an office for me, and a "guestroom". We had a big futon in here but finally got rid of it as was just too big and took up too much space, and only have company once or twice a year. I decided a queen airbed would work just fine (but of course, I had to leave room for one!). My room is nowhere near as cute as yours.. it's very practical and just lots of bookshelves for all my "stuff".. and a funky table for my laptop and printer, but it does the job. Plus... it's a bright yellow! Not my style, but was this way when we moved here and never did repaint it, and now would take an army to move everything so I COULD paint it! I thnk your room is very inviting for company, and your little makeup area is so sweet as well as your office. Love the ruffles and signs and greens and angels! You DO have magic in your hands! Marilyn

  39. Perfect idea. I have been wanting a make up table so badly as of late. I just do not know how to fit it in my home. You inspired me to be creative in the way I start to look at my rooms.
    As always, so very lovey!

  40. What a fantastic use of your room! You continue to amaze me!

  41. Hi Kris, I love the way you decorated this room to be multifunctional. I love that you have a makeup area and a desk area too. I bet you enjoy yourself when you sit down to do your makeup. I like that chandelier too. Great job.
    Julie xo

  42. This is a lovely room, very serene and welcoming. The glass table lamp stand is beautiful. Cottage is also small and I plan to use the second bedroom as my office and as a guest bedroom as well.

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