Pretzel's Over the Rainbow and Prayers for Terry


Most of you remember our Miss Pretzel story.  Terry and I took the plunge again and adopted this sweet basset hound from a rescue in Georgia.
We drove and met the Foster mom in Nashville and drove her the 7 hours up to Illinois to start her new life with us.
After getting her home she began to have Grand Mal seizures and after only having her a week she had a bad one we could not get her to come out of the seizure.
We raced her to the ER and the Vet told us with her gate, blood work and going blind after the seizure she most likely had a brain tumor.

We could spend thousands of dollars to go to a Neurologist to find out she had a brain tumor that was most likely not operable.

We were crushed.   The Vet said she could live out a month or maybe even longer but it was hard to tell.

Terry and I had to make the decision to take her home and live with what time she had left and try to keep the seizures under control or we could put her to sleep.

The Vet saw our heartbreak to figure out what to do.

She offered to take Pretzel into her own home and give her whatever life she had left.

I was heart broken but knew in my heart she would need further medication and attention.
We had just lost Buddy a year ago to Neurological problems and I just did not think I had it in me to do this again.

I knew the Vet sees this stuff and has better access to medical care for Pretzel
Since she was willing to take Pretzel we decided that would be the best 
scenario for her to live.

Melanie took Pretzel home and gave us updates on her.
Last week we got heart breaking news Pretzel passed peacefully in her sleep.
Her seizure activity was getting worse.  She was now completely blind and barely could walk.
The seizures were continuing and getting worse even with trying different medications.
They were contemplating whether to keep her going since she seemed happy and not in any pain or put her down and at peace from the seizure activity.
While Mel was trying to figure out all of this with Pretzel,  she died in her sleep so the decision was made by Pretzel.

Even though we only had her a few weeks we loved her so much.  After thinking back on everything I think Terry and I were just the bridge to get her to the place she needed to be for the end of her life.

 RIP little Pretzel.

Now for the story on Terry.  A few nights ago he had terrible abdominal pain.  To make a long story short we ended up in the ER and Terry was admitted to the hospital for abdominal blockage in his small intestines.
They are trying all non invasive procedures to get the blockage open.
Prayers please the non invasive procedure will work and we do not have to resort to surgery.

We are suppose to sign papers on Monday for the sale of our condo and then close and move at the end of the week on our new place.
timing on this is horrible.
Praying we can get him feeling better and all things working and get to the finish line on our buy, sell and move next week.

Thanks for the prayers.
If you do not pray please send good healing thoughts our way.


  1. Oh Kris, I am so sorry to hear about Pretzel. I believe that yes, you were meant to get her to the vet. I'm glad she was in such good hands. I'm sending you big hugs and prayers for Terry. I hope that by the time you get this comment the blockage is gone! xo

  2. She was such a sweetheart pup and what an amazing story. I know Terry is in God's good hands and I'm praying that he'll be better soon. I also know God is in control of your move. Stay positive; thanking God in advance!

  3. Oh my goodness, such difficult news. Praying for Terry and noninvasive resolution for him. Praying for you, too, because it's hard to be in the observer position. Bless you both for easing Pretzel's path.

  4. Oh Kris, I'm so sorry to hear about everything that is going on for you. That is definitely a big load to bear. I'm heartbroken about Pretzel, but hopeful you find comfort in knowing everything possible was done to give her the happiest life possible. Sending prayers for Terry's quick and complete recovery. Jane

  5. You gave Pretzel the love and attention he needed when you did. So sorry. Praying for a miraculous recovery for Terry without any surgery. Know this is such a busy time for you. Sending love and hugs! Judy Clark

  6. Kris,
    I am so very sorry to read that you are going through all of this....So sorry to heat about that sweet fur baby and sending prayers for a speedy recovery for Terry....This year is such a terrible year for a lot of people on so many sister's husband just passed away...on the 5 year anniversary of his oldest son's death...That is the 3rd death in our family including Joe since April...They say it comes in 3's so I certainly hope we are now done....Take care...
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  7. My thoughts are with you - alle the best - I´m so sad

  8. Last night was fitful for me to sleep, but aa good night of praying for Terry and others. God's plan is always right, His timing too.
    RIP, little Prtezel. I'm so glad you helped him live out his vest end of life by rescuing him - twice, actually - first by you & Terry, amd then to Melanie.

  9. Awww Kris, so sad about reading about Pretzel. You and Terry made the right choice. Pretzel needed the medical attention Melanie could offer. She was loved and passing away in your sleep is comforting. I am so sorry to ready about Terry’s blockage. Prayers and healing thoughts for you both. You have a lot on your plate now. Big hugs. Xo

  10. I am thinking of you and Terry. You made the right decision with your puppy.

  11. Prayers for Terry's swift and full recovery. So sorry to hear about Pretzel. Hugs for you, my friend!

  12. Sad about Pretzel. The Angels came and took her to paradise and comfort. So sweet of your vet to take on the care of her.
    I do hope Terry improves this week. I will keep both of you in my prayers

  13. Hugs to you both! Pets certainly leave footprints in our hearts & are family. Prayers for Terry and he's back to himself already by the time I send this (surgery free too)!

  14. Oh Kris, it’s so hard when we are faced with those decisions. But Pretzel ended up where she needed to be and was well loved by all along her journey. Praying for Terry and the resolution of the blockage without surgery. Not what either of you need at this time.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  15. I'm sorry to hear about Pretzel. I was going to send a note today asking how things were. I'm sending prayers for Terry. I pray he's surgery free!

  16. I’m so sorry to hear about Pretzel. Goodness I hope Terry recovers quickly. I’ve heard that it’s a terrible. Pain to go thru. I wish I lived closer so I could help with the move. Prayers for you both! Liz @ Home and Gardening With Liz

  17. Such a sweet story, Kris, about little Pretzel. You and Terry always do such sweet things for the furbabies you come into contact with! She had a good life through you two, and then the vet... she was where she was meant to be, for sure! Those little pups sure can get into our hearts very quickly! And so sorry to hear about Terry's dilemma... I hope they resolve the issue soon and without surgery.. but if surgery is necessary, then I pray it goes well and he recovers well and fast. I've moved more than once being in pain with one thing or another and it's not fun, but everything turns out OK in the end! Hugs to you! Marilyn

  18. Pretzel was lucky to have you both. We’ve had dogs for almost 30 years so I know your pain. Prayers being sent up right now for Terry. Hang in there. XoKathleen

  19. Hi Kris, So sorry to hear about Terry. Will certainly be praying hon, that the non surgical solution will work. Wow, you really have a lot on your plate right now. Will be praying that all gets worked out with your move and all.
    Also sorry to hear about sad, but glad Pretzel passed on her own and
    no one had to make that decision. It is the worst feeling to have to make that decision as you well know.
    Keep us posted Sweetie,
    Love, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie

  20. Terry has been in our prayers and we continue to pray for him. I am so sorry to read about Pretzel. You have much on your plate, Kris and I am praying for you.

  21. I just now saw this post...I am so sorry to hear about sweet Pretzel. Thank goodness she had a lot of love from you and her other adopter in her life.

    Very scary about Terry having a bowel blockage. My aunt has had several of those and it has now lead to a lot of complications. Is this the first one Terry has had? Sending healing thoughts and prayers to Terry and for peace of mind to you. {{hugs}}

  22. Sending LOVE and PRAYERS!!!! You have so much going on at one time. Keep your chin up my friend.
    Get Well Terry!!!
    Love YOU both!!

  23. OMG, Kris! I have been so tied up in life here with John that I just now saw this. My heart is BREAKING for you. Poor Pretzel but you know she was loved and taken care of in her final days.

    Prayers and more prayers for Terri AND YOU! You have had way more than your share of life issues these past few years.

    Much love to you, Kris. I am so sorry you have all this going on in your didn't need this! xo Diana

  24. Kris, so sorry to hear about Pretzel. These things seem to happen all too often and it is such a hard decision to make but, in the end, Pretzel was taken care of wholeheartedly by all of you and in the end she made the best decision for herself and is in peace now. . Tami and Tim just went through it with their beautiful Golden, Bo. He gave them so much love in the time that they had with him but it never is easy no matter what the circumstances. So glad Terry is doing well now, that must have been quite a scare. You never know. Now, on to your move and I know it will all go smoothly and can't wait to see..xxoJudy

  25. Hi Kris, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of Pretzel. I do hope that Terry is on the mend and feeling better.

