Getting Ready For Girlfriend Charity Party

Hi Everyone.
Happy Sunday.

Where did the month of October go ??!! Now we are only a few weeks from Thanksgiving and then the down hill slide into Christmas!!!!  I love this time of year but hate how fast everything moves.

Each year I have a Girlfriend Christmas Party.  I have been doing this party for many years.
Each year I have all my girlfriends come to my home on the first Friday of December to celebrate our friendship.

The idea of the party is each girl brings a girlfriend exchange gift where the proceeds had to benefit a charity in some way.  The gifts the girls come up with each year are just amazing. The stories shared about why they chose their particular charity is so touching and up lifting.

The best gifts are given from the heart and it is even more special when your gift not only benefits a dear friend at the party but also helps someone else too.

Each girl wears her comfy Christmas jammies and we eat, drink and have a great time all together.  Let's face it eating, drinking, laughing and having fun must be done in comfy jammies!!!
Girlfriend Christmas Party from Last Year 2015.  You can see the post here.
Girlfriend Christmas Party 2014 Post.

The past few years I have been doing walking tacos as one of my appetizers.  

Have you ever had walking tacos?  They are a crowd pleaser and yummy.  So today I am going to share with you my walking taco preparation and a sweet treat idea too.

Walking Tacos are easy to do if you have a large crowd or small.  Perfect for everyone and fun.

You take the small lunch size Fritos or Dorito bags and they become the base for your walking tacos.

 I will set up a taco bar with chicken and beef taco fillings and several taco toppings.

Everyone gets a taco bag and then can fill it with their desired filling and toppings and you can walk and talk and have fun as you eat your taco.

Here is how I give the walking taco Frito bags a little more stability and fun.

Here are some of the supplies I got to put my walking taco boxes together.

I found white gable boxes at Michaels.  They came 10 in a box.  I just folded down the gable part of the box to make this smaller box/bowl to put the Frito bags in.  Instead of each girl having to carry the taco bag alone these boxes will give the walking taco a little more stability.

Found these cute reindeer tags at Home Goods to tie off my napkins and forks.

Easy Peasy to do.  Wrap the fork up in the napkins and tie off with the reindeer tags.

I lay the taco bags on their sides to give more room to add your fillings and toppings.  Just cut across the top of the bag.  I also found these cute Christmas tags at Walmart.  20 in a pack for $1.49.  I thought these would give the front of the boxes a little festive bling.

So I glued the tags onto the front of the white boxes and then put in the Frito's and reindeer forks and napkins.  All together and ready for the Taco Bar.

I put them into a white gift box that I will set on the Taco Bar. I will set this at the beginning of my taco bar fixins!  That is it.  Fun and easy and a real crowd pleaser.  You can find lots of great ideas and recipes for Walking Taco's on Pinterest.

Every year I have some kind of sweet treat for each girl to enjoy at the party or take home.

Found these sweet little snack bag kits at the dollar bins at Target.  Gotta love those dollar racks at Target.

Each kit came with heavy lined bakery treat bags, white doilies, and a tag that says So Very Thankful for Sweet Friends Like You.

So I just glued each of the bags with the doily and tag.  Easy Peasy!!!

I usually do cupcakes for desert so these sweet bags will be nice for each girl to take home a sweet treat.  Nothing like having a cupcake roader for the trip home from a party!

I found these cute napkins at Home Goods.
This is one of my favorite sayings and so wonderful for my bff's at the party.

Just a few of the ideas I have gotten done for the girlfriend party.  I will be working on some favors and fun party ideas that I will be sharing with you soon.

Are you thinking about the upcoming holidays and fun things to do for get togethers?

The time will fly with list making, decorating, shopping, and baking.  I love this time of year.  So much fun to get ready to share the love of family and friendships.

Have a great new week ahead.


  1. What a wonderful and fun thing to do each year (even better in jammy's!). I love the walking taco bags, this would be a good idea for kiddies parties too. I'm looking forward to seeing your post of the actual day :) Take care. Chel

  2. Oh my Kris,
    this is the sweetest thing ever! It is such a lovely thing to do for your friends.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  3. I never heard of walking tacos, but this sounds totally amazing. I love this idea. The sweet treat bags are wonderful too. You are so on top of this. I love it.

  4. Kris, I remember the pajama Christmas parties. They look like the best fun. I like the way you have fixed up the treats. That is a fun food, walking tacos. One of my oldest daughter's all time favorites. Love all the cuteness you have added to the boxes and bags. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  5. Kris, this is the coolest idea. The walking tacos set up is too cute! A party in jammies is the best.

  6. You've elevated the walking taco to a whole new level!!! Very cute idea. And I also love the idea of wearing jammies :)

  7. Your attention to detail has elevated simple walking tacos to a whole new level! I love that it can all be done ahead of time so you're not stuck in the kitchen. So very festive!

  8. Yes, I do remember this party. I was just reading about the walking tacos the other day. Before that I had not heard of them. Sounds good to me! I love easy.

  9. We love walking tacos! Such a great idea for a crowd. I can already tell your party is going to be a hit! Y'all are going to have so much fun. Would you believe I don't have any Christmas jammies??? I think I need to remedy that pronto. :)

  10. You encourage girlfriend friendship like none other.... Love seeing what you come up with each year, the next topping the last :)

    Have a great holiday cheer !

  11. These are all wonderful ideas, Kris...but there's a question I have.
    What if I need two boxes???LOL
    You make the cutest, cutest stuff!
    xo, T.

  12. Hi Kris, how lucky your friends are to go to your fun girlfriends party! I love the cute taco bags and everything else. I know your party will be fun and festive. Hope you have a nice week. Julie xo

  13. Happy Sunday Kris! For the past few years I have enjoyed your BFF Christmas party posts and know in my heart and mind I am there in spirit wearing my Leopard PJ's and joining in on the fun. I love your creative ideas that you come up with to make this party such a success. Your kind big generous heart shows. This year new home, new theme, same loving heart!

  14. Hi,
    I have always enjoyed learning and getting ideas from your party. So much fun and creativity.
    Yes, I am getting excited for Christmas too. I am in charge of games for our family party at my parents this year. :-)
    Last year we hosted the family party, so much fun for me, because I love to cook.

  15. I know you always have a wonderful time at your girlfriends party!! Such cute ideas, I'm sure everyone will Love! OMGoodness, they are opening a HomeGoods store within walking distance of my house...this is NOT good - it's Great!! Blessings, Cindy xo

  16. OMGoodness, Kris, I love it! I want to make the walking tacos....what a cute idea!!! :) I'm so doing the same thing for our Alabama football party. You are the bomb . com! Y'all pictures are so cute. I love the idea of your party, and I wish my friends did fun things like that!

  17. Oh- I would love to be part of that group of friends. It looks like you girls have an absolute BALL!!! Love your walking Tacos. I have had those before and they are so easy. We do them on a plate here for a quick meal sometimes but we have always called them Haystacks when we serve them on a plate.

    Your whole set up is just adorable and I bet those girls look forward to it every year. If you aren't using Terry that night I have a couple of little jobs he could do up here...bwhahahaha. How is he with electric?

    Have a great night, Kris. xo Diana

  18. So cute, I will keep this idea in mind for our soup party in January. It has been so long since we celebrated anything other than just the family, it will be fun to treat friends to a party. Hope you have a ball! I know you will, Sandi

  19. KRIS! HELLO! What an adorable idea! This is truly a great gathering to benefit anyone in need thanks to the charity element, and then to have a group of friends forget all the stresses and responsibilities to just come to have FUN. And your cottage will feel and look so gorgeous and cozy. Wishing you a fabulous week my friend.

  20. What sweet and thoughtful ideas you have for planning a party! I am sure all your guests will have a blast and lots of nice memories to carry home...along with some yummy treats :)

  21. Hi Kris
    I love all your ideas you always have for your Girlfriend Party. You always make the best sweet gifts. Love that taco idea and how cute you decorated the boxes. You and your friends will have the best time Kris. You all look so adorable in your jammies

  22. Hi Kris,
    I don't know how I did not know about your blog....but am following now! Love this idea of a girlfriend party and the pajama aspect makes it even more fun, comfy and festive!!! Your treats and the packaging is so cute, looks like you've thought of everything! What fun!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Glad to meet you and glad you found me now I have found you! Thanks for your sweet visit. Heading over to check out your blog now.

  23. Hello Kris,
    This is such a wonderful and beautiful idea! I think that you have inspired all of us to get moving and get busy.
    The details of this event are incredible and just look at the goodness that you are doing as well.
    Very generous and sweet of you!

  24. Sounds like so much fun with great friends. Wish I lived closer. LOL


  25. This is a such lovely idea! I remember the fabulous party of the last year
    HUgs Alessandra

  26. Dear Kris, you have the kindest heart. I'm sure that all of the ladies just love he get together once a year. I had the same kind of party with my Mom, Sis, and our bestes until I moved. It really starts off the holiday day season with a lovely feeling. I love the darling favors and thanks for the recipe! I think that I may use it this year. Have an amazing new week! xx Jo

  27. I love your ideas for this year's party and I can't wait to see how it all comes together. Isn't the planning half the fun? Enjoy it!

  28. Hi Kris,

    What beautiful pics of your girlfriend charity parties past! The reindeer taco boxes are adorable! Looking forward to seeing pics of this year's, too. Wishing you wonderful moments!


  29. Kris, what a great assortment of ideas for your party! I'm going to be hosting a bridal shower in early spring for my niece, and I need to get the jump on some ideas from that Target $1 aisle. All of what you've done here is so thrifty, yet done so well!

  30. What a fun sounding party! I want to be at your party!! I love walking Tacos! You are so clever, love all of your ideas, Kris!!

  31. This is so cool Kris, and something I imagine all your friends look forward to each year. There's some fabulous ideas here that can be used for almost any party, and for sure I'm filing it away.


  32. You are so creative!!! I love how you made those walking tacos containers. I've never heard of that before but I understand the concept now. Such a cute idea. I know your guests will love what you did.

  33. Hello Kris, I enjoy reading about this party you do for the girls every year. Hanging in your PJ's with your own taco bag is pretty cool. The items you added to make things cute festive are perfect. Every girl loves a cupcake.


  34. Kris, you're parties always sound so fun. Love the jammie idea! Girls gotta be comfy for sure. :) Walking tacos, how fun is that? I've made what we call 'American tacos' using the fritos as a base and making a white gravy to go over the hamburger and then dressing them like you would a taco. A friend gave me that recipe and it's yummy for a change. I love how the party is charity based. Good for you!!

  35. I don't know how I missed this post, but it is terrific. So many great ideas. The walking taco sounds great.
    Looking forward to the rest of your yummy's for the party.


  36. What a great party idea, Kris! Your guests will have so much fun! It's wonderful that you host this pary every year.
    Have a great weekend! :)

  37. Your party sounds so fun!! I love walking tacos! Yummy!! You have made the set up so cute!

  38. I've not heard of Walking Tacos but love the idea! You know, here in Texas, any type of Mexican food is a part of our food pyramid. This sounds delish! The pj's are the best! I so wish I were close or your neighbor. :) You created a wonderful party without robbing the bank. So much fun I'm sure!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  39. Your party sounds like such fun...we all expect details and recipes later... xoxo

  40. Hi Kris,
    I think this is such an amazing idea, and I so love that your party has a charity giving theme...that makes it even more special!
    I love all of the gift packages you put together - that Josh Groban is one of my favorite Christmas CD's!
    Can't wait to see more photos of your party!
    Hugs, Kimberley

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