Rehab Cottage Table Top

Before I show you the rehab top of my dining table I thought I would share a few more of my found treasures from the cute shops on our trip.  
Found this cute In The Garden boot vase for my coffee table.

This cute bunny lamp for my kitchen.  They were so cute and sweet I just could not pass them up.

These are the cute wooden suit cases I found.

Ok here we go on the table top change.  A while ago I decided to paint the top of my farmhouse table white.  I did love and it covered up a lot imperfections.  I thought over time the wear on the table would make it look chippy.  Not so much.  I love change so I thought hmmmm Maybe I can change the top back to the natural wood like the chairs and sides of the table.

After a few conversations with my handy man Terry he thought maybe the easiest way was to use a paint stripper.
I just did not want the mess of sanding the top in the condo.
I just finished spring cleaning and washing curtains etc. to have that dust everywhere.

This is a spray on paint remover which is easier controlled.  
Directions said 30 minutes and the paint will start to come up.
He got some stripping pads.
I did not get a picture but he also had a scraper.

After 30 minutes and some scrapping we were able to get the paint to peel pretty nicely.  The stripper is also "green" so no smell or harsh chemicals.  You can see it peeled up on the table.

So we went from this to....

I think it compliments the white shiplap and all my chippy decor pieces now.  I am liking it back to the natural look

Have a great day.
Thanks always for coming by.

This little guy turned 6 months old.  
Time really does fly by.  
He is following in his daddy's footsteps.  This is his first John Deere.


  1. Six months!! My goodness, time flies by, doesn't it? He's absolutely adorable!! Your table is pretty good looking, too! 😉 I love the natural look, I think it really complements the white surrounding it and adds so much charm with its natural wood. Thanks for sharing the stripped, too. It's so hard to find products that aren't harsh. This is great to know! Happy Tuesday!! xo

  2. Kris your new "naked" tabletop is absolutely gorgeous. It looks like one of the Restoration Hardware 4000 dollar tables. Your little grand guy is just too cute!!

  3. Kris, I love the way the table looks stripped of the white paint. The table and chairs look beautiful! Thanks for sharing the process on how to strip the paint. Your grandson is just adorable. I can't believe he is 6 months already. I hope you enjoy the week Kris.

  4. Great look Kris. I love how the table coordinates with the chairs. Your shiplap really pops now. xoxo

  5. Kris, That sweet faced baby. Oh boy. My latest g.grandson just took his first steps at 10 months. He's ready to get into things. LOL. I love the table back to natural wood. Blessings to all of you. xoxo,love you, Susie

  6. Hi Kris! Oh that sweet grandson of yours, what a treasure for your family. I have a grandson who will be five months in a few days. You have such a great eye for finding treasures for your home. Love, love and love some more your table redo. It looks fantastic! Jane

  7. Kim,
    I love all your new treasures and I also love how the table and chairs look...It provides a nice contrast with all your beautiful white decor...
    Thanks so much, my friend, for your very kind and encouraging words in regards to Joe's passing...It still does not seem real but slowly, I will come to terms and live my life for the both of us...He wanted us to go on and enjoy life and that we will do...I am returning to blogging as it is great therapy for me...Have a great weekend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  8. Six months, he is adorable! I love the tabletop, Kris. It looks great. Happy Weekend!

  9. 6 months, , wow! He's adorable. I love the table it's agreat contrast and the stripper worked really well!!

  10. Aww happy 6 months cutie.
    The table looks gorgeous without the paint. The rabbit lamp is amazing. Love the boots as well.

  11. Oh my... that smile!!! Happy 6 month Birthday little guy!!!

    I love how the table turned out. I love all your finds too. The bunny lamp is my favorite.

  12. Kris, that little guy is adorable. Keep him small like that forever!!! But they are pretty cute at 30 too!! Love the tabletop new look. It looks so well with your chairs and against the white shiplap. Love that dining corner and all the new treasures..xxoJudy

  13. He is darling!! Your table looks fabulous - well done!

  14. You found some darling things, and I love the bunny lamp! What a great transformation on the table: It looks fantastic! Your little grandson is so are truly blessed, My Friend!

  15. Love the table, Kris. And your treasures are very sweet. But that adorable baby steals the show! What a cutie!!!!♥

