Garden Bikes

When I think of summer fun.  I think of either decorating up an old vintage bike with flowers in the garden or riding my bike out on a beautiful bike trail.

Thought I would share some of my past bikes and some I found on Pinterest.

Enjoy the scroll!

Junk Chic Cottage

Junk Chic Cottage

Junk Chic Cottage

Junk Chic Cottage

Pinterest Source

Pinterest source


Junk Chic Cottage

Junk Chic Cottage


Pinterest Source
So Pretty.

Pinterest Source.  On the beach.  Yes Please!

Lake Cottage Home

Pinterest Source

Pinterest Source


Hope you all had a great Memorial Day Weekend.  Terry and I were in Michigan and the weather was not so great.  Saturday we had sunshine and pool time but then it was cloudy and rain filled days.  We still had a nice relaxing weekend.  Found a new treasure to show you soon.  Have a great week ahead.




  1. Love all your bikes and blooms, Kris. A getaway, even in the rain is wonderful!

  2. Kris, I enjoyed looking at all of your garden bikes and gorgeous flowers. How nice to get away for the weekend with Terry. It sounds like you had a nice time and I hope you have a nice week.

  3. Happy Garden Bikes!!! Our neighbor has one, she has red, white and blue flowers in the basket right now. It is very pretty.

  4. Every time you share one of your pretty garden bikes, I become obsessed with finding one of my own. Maybe this is the year!! Haha!! Can't wait to see what you have to share! 😉 xxoo

  5. So many pretty garden bikes...I don't think I could pick a favorite if I had to. Sorry you did not have sunny days while in Michigan. Can't wait to see your new find. :)

  6. Kris, love all the bike pics, especially yours. A weekend getaway sounds great in any kind of weather. Looking forward to new treasure. For some reason I am not getting notified of your newest posts so know that I have missed a few. xxoJudy

  7. Hi Kris,

    It was great to see your bikes I'm the garden. I remember them and they make me swoon all over again.

    Bummer it rained but you got away. I look forward to seeing your new treasure.

  8. I am so glad you had a getaway! We just returned from the mountains where the air was crisp! I love all of your bikes and blooms! Thanks for all the eye candy, Kris ❤️

  9. Loved checking out all the garden bikes, all so cute.........and happy to hear you and Terry had a nice get-away for Memorial day. Ours was quiet but enjoyable.
    Hope you have a great weekend. Can't believe we are in June tomorrow!!
    Blessings, Nellie

  10. I have my old childhood Schwinn sitting in the lilies by our patio but I need to get back to the garden center to buy more annuals. I want to put a pot of pretty flowers in the basket. Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend in MI!

  11. Kris, so happy you go to get away. Those bikes are so adorable. You know how to dress them perfectly. Happy June Kris. xoxo

  12. Kris, I love all the bikes! So beautiful, they really add the spirit of summer and great fun everywhere they are! I am particularly smitten with the 'front wheel only' bike and basket display on the fence. That is so clever! Happy June ! xo Lidy

  13. This is the cutest round-up post ever! :D I love it, and it's fun looking back at all your adorable bikes. I like your new one, too.

    Whenever I see a summer bike decked out in flowers, painted in summery colors, I have to smile. I love the look so much, and my favorite one is the one with the pretty sea glass blue vintage books! LOVE IT!

  14. I have been looking for an old bike to put behind my garage - i love all of these ideas, so i will continue my search!

