Happy Halloween

Hello sweet blogging friends.  
Not sure if I should be saying
 Happy Halloween or Merry Christmas!

Hmmmm is it Halloween or Christmas?! Hard to tell with the snow we got over night and today!

Even my little garden cherub looks confused!

Not sure how many trick or treaters we will get with how cold and snowy it is here in Illinois.

Hope you enjoy all the witches, ghosts and gobblins out tonight.

Terry and I are leaving tomorrow morning for a Michigan weekend get away.
 Hoping we would be seeing all the pretty trees changing colors on our trip. 
Have a feeling we will be seeing more of the white stuff.

This is the cute little guest cottage we will be staying in.
Sweetly decorated for being on the lake.

The Found Cottage is having their Holiday Open House this weekend while we are there too!!!!

Have a Happy Halloween and wonderful Friday and weekend.

Vintage Mannequin

Hello Sweet Blogging Friends.

A new week and the last week of October!
Time is going way too quickly.

I was minding my own business and was walking around the French Market and this sweet girl called to me.

She is vintage and so awesome.

I love her metal cage skirt and her wheels on the base. 
I cannot wait to find just the right french style apron for her. 
She will be taking up residency in my kitchen.

Don't you love when something grabs your attention and you just cannot resist.

Any of you that know of any sites that make farmhouse, french style aprons let me know.
I have been on Etsy looking at a few options.

I think it needs to be vintage and not take too much away from her.

Have a lovely week and fun Halloween. 

Our little goblins here in Illinois are going to have to cover up their cute costumes with their winter coats. 
Ugh Ugh Ugh!!!
We might get snow over the next few days too.
Hardly had much of a fall to love.

Christmas WHAT?!!!

Hello Sweet Blogging Friends.

OK I know that title makes it seem like you will see Christmas decor coming today on my blog.  NOPE!

With Halloween and the first of November starting next week time if really going quickly.

I do not know about you but I have started my Christmas shopping early.  
If I see something I think someone on my list would like I get it early.

One tradition we have in our family is Advent Calendars.  
This is really big tradition in European countries especially the UK.

Our little American family enjoys this tradition.

Each Thanksgiving 
I give each of my family members an 
Advent Calendar 
to start on December 1st.

I try to pick out or make one that suits their likes and personalities.

I thought I would share with you some special and fun Advent Calendars here on my blog today.

I know you are probably thinking we have not even had Halloween yet!
Since you give these early in the Holiday Season and they sell out fast you need to really get these now if this is your family tradition!

The most traditional of Advent Calendars are the chocolate ones.  Each day you get a special treat of chocolate.
Godiva has a very good one.

I loved finding this one. It not only has chocolate it also has small bottles of alcohol to enhance your chocolate experience!

Got a Nut Lover in your family.  Here is a special one filled with Walnuts.

I remember as a kid the wooden tray with walnuts sitting on the coffee table with the nut cracker.
I think ours had a little squirrel carved on it.

I love this one from William Sonoma.  Each little chocolate is wrapped like a gift.  It is fairly inexpensive and the chocolates are delicious.

For the wine lover.  Each day you get a small bottle or one glass of wine.  Love this one to give as a gift.

Do you have any Harry Potter Fans?  This one is pretty cute and has fun candies hidden inside.

How about the Spicy personality family member.  This hot sauce Advent Calendar is fabulous.

Had to throw this one in the mix with Terry being a Fire Chief.  Little fire department trucks, hoses, helmets as the chocolates.

Got the family member that loves to fish.  This calendar has fishing color changing baits.

We cannot forget our Fur Babies.  These have a little doggie treat for each day.

This one had a little dachshund on it so I bought it for Buddy this year.

We cannot forget our kitties too.

Look at this fun retro car and camper.  You can use it out for a decoration too.
Love this idea.

Of course make up Advent Calendars are popular especially if you have daughters and grand daughters.
This is a great one from Amazon this year.  Has all different pretty nice and popular make up gifts inside.

For my sweet little grand daughter I am getting her this hair and bracelet Advent.  After she opens the bracelet each day after she will get a new charm to add to the bracelet.

Ok great story behind this one.  MAC makeup as many of you know is very popular. 

Each year MAC comes out with an Advent Calendar.  The kicker is it is only available in the UK!!!! 
MAC lovers here in the US cannot get these.

My two daughters love MAC make up and I have always wanted to surprise them with one of these.

You can find them on Ebay for a lot of money.

This year I got lucky and one of my sweet blogging friends that lives in the UK agreed to get me two of these for my daughters.

I could not believe my luck.  They only allow one per person with how popular they are. 

She was able to get me two by getting her husband to buy one along with her.  Her sweet hubby is a keeper!

So my daughters are going to be sooooo surprised to get this at Thanksgiving.

Thank you sweet Gilly for helping me out on this one.

It is so much fun to know blogging friends all over the world!

This is really nice for the men in the family.  Each day they get a grooming surprise.

My son in law loves IPA beers.  So this Advent Calendar comes with a different IPA beer for each day to try.

I love this sweet little idea. 
It is a Christmas greeting card that has 24 spaces to open each day that you can put in your own sweet message to the recipient of the card.
How sweet is this idea.

Do you have a person that loves to write cards and letters.  This one has 24 boxes to open with either note cards, stationary, pens etc.

I did this one a few years ago.  Every day you can put a $1 scratch off lottery ticket.  My adults kids loved when I did this a few years ago.
Fun to gift to the lottery lovers.

If you like to make your own Advent with your own surprises.  I found this one at Target.  You can fill each circle with some kind of gift or note.  Since it is for 12 days you could get two and put them back to back.  Only $10 at Target.

I saved the best for last!!!! This is the Tiffany's
Advent Calendar. 
Each day you will open a box and get diamonds or Tiffany necklace, bracelet etc.

This will only set you back $112,000 to purchase this for that someone special!!!!!!
I would love this wouldn't you?
Not in my life time unless Terry wins the lottery will I be getting the Tiffany Advent Calendar!

Well there you have it just a few of the many fun Advent Calendars out there?
Most of these Calendars you can find on Amazon or just google for the specific sites.

Happy Friday.
Have a fun weekend.

PS: We finally have the garage floor in for the new garage.  It has to cure for up to two weeks and then they can start the building.

Replacement Decor In The Living Room.

Hello sweet blogging friends.

Happy Hump Day.

In my last post I told you about the beautiful cabinet I purchased and then regretted painting it white and sold it. 
I had planned on putting it between the two recliners in the living room.

I just did not like it white.  
Plus if I put it between the recliners I would not have a place for a lamp.

I have my old farmhouse window on the living room window in the corner.  I was going to have to take it down for the new windows to be put in so I decided just to move it.

I moved the window between the two recliners.  Added two planks I had on each side of the window.  Then put up two candle sconces.

So happy I could re purposes these chippy pieces of planking I had.

The sconces look pretty lit at night.

Getting my fall pumpkins out and around the house.

Hope you are having a great week.  
October is going quickly and November will be here soon and then the holidays. Yikes!

PS:  Does anyone know if there is a fairly inexpensive camera on the market that takes great pictures.  

I have been using my I phone 10 but my pictures are dark even with lightening them before shooting the picture.  

It works great on outdoor pictures.  Inside pictures not so much!

By the time I transfer them to my computer and brighten them in Pic Monkey they seem so washed out.

Would love to find a point and shoot camera that takes decent pictures that does not have a big learning curve.

New Beginnings And A Regret

Hello Sweet Blogging Friends.
Happy New Week.


This little garage that was half falling down finally came down yesterday!!!

Within a couple of hours the garage and cement floor were gone.

Now there is nothing. 
Thursday and Friday they will frame out the flooring and pour cement for the new garage! 

Finally we are getting somewhere with getting the new garage.  Only been at this since July!

I added these shutters behind the new corbel lamps.  I think it gives a nice look to the lamps.

Now for the regret!
I found this beautiful piece for a steal. 
Brought it home and wanted to put it in the living room between the recliners. 
The color looked good with the recliners but it felt wrong with all my whites.

 I decided to paint it white.  Big regret. 
I usually am pretty happy painting things white.
Not this time.  I felt after we painted it white it lost its charm.

You can see how the drawers do not fit correctly and painting it white showed those imperfections even more.

I thought I would try to move it into the office space. 

Still did not feel right.
On top of it not feeling right in this room it would not fit on the wall with my desk without taking the entry door off.

What then to do?

 I made the decision to put it up for sale on FB Market Place and it sold in less than 20 minutes.

 After all it is a great piece.
Glad I could recoup what I paid and then some on this piece.

It's gone to a new home so I am happy.

Moral of the story for me is that I loved the piece in its original wood. 
That is what caught my eye. 
When I painted it white it just took the romance away for me.

The lady that bought it loved it white.
 I am happy it has a new home and they love it white.

First for me.  I paint everything white and usually love it. 
This time not so much.

Have a good week.

New Chairs

Hello Sweet Blogging Friends.

Here are the new leather recliners I found for my living room.  

It is really hard to find recliners that look good in a cottage decor setting!  
Happy I found these.  
Now I have my corner bay window open back up and two new chairs for seating.

Here is one of the new recliners.  It is a Barcalounger in a saddle soft leather.

I sold my one slipcovered loveseat and these two recliners sit in their place.

It really opens up the corner window nicely.

We have his and hers recliners. 
 Buddy as you can see loves the RA Couture loveseat to himself!

That corner on the right needs something on that wall or directly in the corner.  

I am on the search for what might look good there.

Wishing all of you a wonderful Friday and great weekend.  
